
Finding Strength in God's Steadfast Love

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 11, 2023
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David imparts three key teachings to deepen our trust in the Lord. He emphasizes the importance of holding onto God's unchanging hand, especially during challenging times.


David gives us three important lessons in Psalm 27 to help us trust in the Lord more. One thing we can see in this psalm is David's complete trust in the Lord. He had confidence in the strength of the Lord, not in his own abilities. He knew from past deliverances that the Lord would rescue him, and no matter who came against him, they would not succeed.

Lesson #1: David's one desire of the Lord

David's main desire was to dwell in the house of the Lord all his life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and meditate in His temple. He didn't ask for riches or fame, but for God Himself. Is God our one desire? Above everything else we could gain in this life, would we choose to be near God? We need to seek the Lord with all our hearts and realize that nothing compares to Him.

Lesson #2: Offering the "sacrifice of joy" even in times of trouble

David was surrounded by enemies, yet he still found joy because he knew there would be victory with the Lord. We need to have the same joy and confidence in the Lord. Instead of having a "woe is me" mentality when faced with difficulties, we should rejoice because we have the hope and peace that comes from knowing God. Our joy should lead us to praise and worship Him.

Lesson #3: Trusting in God when others disappoint us

Even if our closest relatives or friends disappoint us, God will never let us down. David experienced this firsthand when his own family turned against him. Jesus also experienced abandonment by His disciples, but He knew that the Father would always be with Him. We can have confidence in God's faithfulness, even when others fail us.

Faith in the goodness of the Lord sustains us when our faith in people is shaken

David did not despair when he had adversaries who wanted to harm him. He believed that he would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. No matter what challenges we face, we can trust that we will see God's goodness. This helps us see past the evils done against us.

Having confidence in the Lord's strength

David had a confidence in the Lord that we should strive for. He didn't rely on human strength or resources, but on the Lord. He knew that no matter how many people fought against him, the Lord would cause them to stumble and fall. We need to have the same confidence in the Lord, especially when facing the schemes of the devil. If we seek the Lord and delight in His will, the devil's plans will be unsuccessful because we have the Lord near.


We must always remember that if we have the Lord, we have everything we need. We should build our hopes on eternal things and hold onto God's unchanging hand. We will be victorious in this life if we are in His hand. Jesus assures us that His sheep hear His voice, and He gives them eternal life. No one can snatch them out of His hand.

Are you in the Lord's hand? Trust in Him and find true confidence and joy in His presence.

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