
Finding Strength in Difficult Times

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Where do you turn when faced with challenges and difficulties? Psalm 121 guides us to seek help and find strength in the Lord.


Psalm 121 was written around three thousand years ago. It is titled "A Song of Ascents," which means it was sung by pilgrims as they ascended the road to Jerusalem for the three pilgrim festivals. These 15 Songs of Ascent, Psalms 120-134, prepared pilgrims for these spiritual festivals and reminded them of who God is and what He does for us.

Psalm 121 is a reminder of where to turn in times of trouble.


In verse 1, the psalmist asks, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help?" The psalmist uses poetic language to describe the overwhelming trials we face. He asks where his help will come from, and in verse 2, he answers, "My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth."

No matter what problems you have faced in the past, what problems you are facing today, or what problems you will face tomorrow, you can find help in the Lord. He is the one who created everything, so your problems are not too big for Him. Billions of Christians can testify that God is greater than any trial we face.


The psalmist assures us that God never falls asleep on the job. He is always watching over us and never lets His guard down. In verses 3-4, the psalmist says that God will not let our feet slip and that He never slumbers or sleeps. God is our constant protector.

In verses 5-8, the psalmist describes how carefully God watches over His children. He is like a shade to us, protecting us from the harshness of trials. Day and night, God is on duty, watching over us, caring for us, and providing shade and protection. He preserves us from all evil and watches over our every step.

It is important to understand that the Psalms are poetic songs and prayers. They express deep feelings and thoughts in a variety of circumstances. When Psalm 121 says that God will keep us from all harm, it is not a guarantee that we will never face trials. Rather, it celebrates God's all-encompassing watchcare and His faithful presence in our lives.


In conclusion, no matter the reason you may have wandered away from God and the church, it is time to come back home. Confess any sin in your life and receive God's forgiveness. Resolve to serve Him, live for Him, and be committed to His church and His people. Remember that God is always there for you, ready to provide solace, help, comfort, strength, and a path forward. He never fails us; it is often us who fail to seek His help in times of trial.

So, come back to church and come back to God. He is our help in times of trouble.

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