
Summary: What does Jesus have to say about rest?

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Finding Rest

Matthew 11:28-30

Good morning everyone, today we are going to look at Jesus words to us about rest. For some of us, you’ll see that you need rest. For some others you will be awakened to the fact that maybe you have rested enough and you need to get busy.

Let’s pray

Matthew 11:28-30 read slowly and clearly

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”

We started this study in the Wednesday small group and continuing it this morning.

In a indirect way Jesus talked about rest in the Garden of Gethsemane- remember Jesus asked them why they could not stay awake and pray- they were exhausted…they needed rest.

They had good intentions- but good intentions alone is not enough. They were exhausted.

We are going to see that finding the rest we need and what the Lord wants for us is going to come down to how much trust we have with the Lord.

Illustration- flying

When I was younger and before I got into ministry I use to fly several times a year for Interstate Brands Corporation. I was amazed as I looked at how many people could go and sleep on the plane. I could dose off but never got that deep sleep. The city boy who sleeps with one eye open. Then one day it dawned on me why I had a hard time. I was Mr. Fixit. I was the guy who had to have input on everything around me. I was the guy most people would ask if they had a question. But once I got on that airplane, I was a nobody. Just sit here Mr. Zibolski and we will let you know when you can get off this plane. I hated that… I was not in charge. I did not have a say in any of the decisions and I had to trust people I did not know behind a door I could not see behind to safely get me from point A to point B.

Where you have no trust, you have no rest.

You will need to trust the Lord to help you get through those times of needing rest in your life and if you don’t or won’t trust him, you will not be able to experience the rest that you need.

You see wisdom un-received is not wisdom! (Repeat) Jesus spoke too many but few listened and responded to him.

The doctor can speak of things going on in our lives…but do we hear him? He can tell us that exercise is of value for us to feel better and to give us better health. But if we do not listen, what was said had value, it just did not have value to us because we did not listen and respond- we just heard it.

Parents, can you relate to your kids? You give them good advice, they just often chose not to respond- you forced them to listen but you cannot force them to respond.

Before we can do anything with Jesus saying “Come to me”- we have to make sure we have heard him and understand what he meant when he said to come to Him-

You really have to go back to the beginning of chapter 11of Matthew-

Jesus was teaching his twelve disciples- then he went out to teach and preach in the city. John the Baptist heard while in prison (rumors) and asked if Jesus was the one foretold of.

He replies back to John’s disciples… go tell John that I am.

Blind are seeing,

lame are walking,

leprosy is being healed,

Deaf hear, dead are being raised. I am the real deal!

As John’s disciples go back to John to report- Jesus talks to the crowd about John-

Why did you come into the desert? To see miracles?

Come to see a man dressed in fine clothes? They are in the temple.

To see a prophet? Yes. Scripture said “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare the way before you.”

John was the one who would prepare the way for Jesus. Scripture tells us as important as John is that those who enter the kingdom of heaven will be greater than him.

“We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, (lament for the dead) and you did not morn.”

“For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they said He has a demon. The ‘Son of man came eating and drinking, and they said here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinner. But wisdom is proved right by her actions.”

What am I saying? I am saying that you cannot experience godly rest without the Lord!

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