
Finding Refuge in God's Power

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 11, 2023
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He who finds comfort in the hidden depths of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty


In the Bible, there are references to a special place called the Secret Place in God. It is a place of protection and provision for those who trust and believe in God. However, many people are unaware of this place or are unwilling to fully commit to dwelling there. In this sermon, we will explore what the Secret Place is, how to dwell in it, what can prevent us from entering or cause us to leave, and the kind of relationship it offers with God.

What is the Secret Place?

The Secret Place is not a physical location but a spiritual state of being close to God. It is a place of trust and faith, where doubts and fears have no room. In this place, we have the assurance that God is in control and that everything will work out for our good. It is a place of calm and security, where we know that God is our refuge and fortress.

How can we dwell in the Secret Place?

To dwell in the Secret Place, we must seek after it with all our heart. We must desire God's presence more than anything else in life and make Him the priority. Just as the High Priest had to go through a cleansing process before entering the Holy of Holies, we too must go through a process of repentance and surrender to God. This includes accepting Jesus as our Savior, being washed by the Word of God, living a holy life, and being filled with the Holy Spirit.

What can prevent us from entering or cause us to leave?

Entering the Secret Place requires a commitment to holy living and a constant seeking after God. If we become complacent or neglectful in our relationship with Him, we can be removed from the Secret Place. It is important to continually repent, study the Word, pray, and stay connected to God through fellowship with other believers.

What kind of relationship does the Secret Place offer?

Dwelling in the Secret Place offers a deep and intimate relationship with God. It allows us to experience His protection, provision, and guidance in our lives. We can trust Him completely and find peace in His presence. He promises to deliver us, answer our prayers, be with us in times of trouble, and satisfy us with long life.


The Secret Place is a place of closeness to God, where we can experience His love, protection, and provision. It requires a commitment to holy living and a constant seeking after God. When we dwell in the Secret Place, we can trust in His faithfulness and find peace in His presence. May we all strive to enter and remain in the Secret Place of the Most High.

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