
Finding Lost Faith: Lessons from an Axehead

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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There are numerous things that can be regained if we apply these principles. Understanding the story of the lost axehead can help us recover our faith.


Today, I want to share a simple yet powerful story with you. It revolves around a group of young men who found themselves in a difficult situation. They were living in a cramped space and decided to build a new house. However, as they began their construction project, they encountered a major setback - they lost the borrowed axe head. This incident may seem insignificant, but it holds valuable lessons for us.

Lessons from the Lost Axe Head

1. Losing What We Need Most:

The axe head was a crucial tool for these young men. It allowed them to cut down trees and gather the necessary materials for their new house. When it fell into the water, their progress came to a halt. Similarly, in our lives and in our churches, there are moments when we lose something essential. It could be the death of a key member, the departure of a leader, or even a loss of focus on God's truth. These setbacks can hinder our growth and productivity.

2. Vulnerability to Discouragement:

When we lose our axe head, we become susceptible to discouragement. The enemy takes advantage of this vulnerable state, whispering doubts and negative thoughts into our minds. We may hear voices saying, "We'll never succeed," or "There's too much work and not enough resources." These discouraging thoughts can paralyze our faith and hinder our progress.

3. Relying on Our Own Strength:

In times of crisis, we often rely on our own strength and wisdom instead of seeking God's guidance. We swing the axe handle with all our might, trying to compensate for the lost axe head. However, there is no substitute for the supernatural anointing of God. We must remember that true success comes from His power, not our own efforts.

4. Unintentional Loss:

Most of the time, we don't intentionally lose what is valuable to us. The young men in the story didn't set out to lose the axe head; it simply happened in the course of their work. Similarly, in our lives, we may find ourselves losing important aspects without intending to do so. Life throws unexpected challenges our way, and we must react to them. It's important to recognize that losing something valuable doesn't mean we've failed; it's a part of our journey.

5. Recovering Where We Lost It:

The lost axe head could only be recovered where it was lost - in the river. Likewise, if we have lost something in our lives, we need to go back to the place where we lost it and reclaim it. God still has a purpose for us, and there is work to be done. We must return to the source and rediscover what we have lost.


The story of the lost axe head teaches us valuable lessons about setbacks and recovery. Losing what we need most can be discouraging, but we must remember to rely on God's strength rather than our own. Unintentional losses are a part of life, but they don't define us. We can recover what we have lost by returning to the place where it was lost and seeking God's guidance. Let us hold onto these lessons and continue our journey with faith and determination.

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