
Summary: A funeral sermon drawing upon the story of faith and story of redemption as presented in the book of Ruth.

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"Finding Life, When Losing It"

Ruth 1:15-16

____________ is what Boaz in the book of Ruth would call "A woman of excellence." She displayed that "excellence" to many people gathered here in this room this {morning}. She was a loving and faithful wife. A devoted and caring mother. A sensitive and sincere {sister} . A beloved friend.


Ruth is the story of a woman who's life and prosperity had been ruined, only to be restored again by the grace of God. Ruth saw life full of joy & prosperity, and she saw life full of tragedy and loss. Many of you know the story in the book of Ruth. The first main character we meet is a woman named Naomi. She and her husband Elimelech take their two sons and go to a foreign land to live. Naomi's husband tragically dies. The surviving two sons of Naomi's marry women from that foreign land and they live happily together with their wives for ten years, then both of these sons die, leaving their mother Naomi alone with no immediate family except her two daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth. Orpah returns to her family, but Ruth- - - out of love and faithfulness, she stays with Naomi- - - and God uses Ruth to teach us a story of faith, - - - faith in a God who is watching over us when the confusing clouds of death and loss come calling in our life.

A Story of Faith. Learn from Ruth, the story of faith. That excellent woman Ruth made a choice of faith when she said to Naomi, //READ V.1:16//

Ruth made a choice of faith. God gives us choices, even in the face of death. There are choices you do not have to make, and there are choices you have to make. And it is important that you do not confuse them. Here are some of The Choices You Do NOT Have To Make; 1) You do not have to forget________ 2) You Do Not have to say Goodbye Forever- - - 3) You Do Not have to let sorrow get the upper hand- - -

I Thess. 4:13-14 "But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve, as do the rest who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus."

There Are Some Choices Which You HAVE TO Make: 1) Choose To Reclaim Life and Live It God's Way. Ruth could have tried to reclaim life in HER OWN WAY. She could have waved good bye to Naomi returned to her homeland in Moab, not caring what happened to Naomi, after all, Ruth could have said, "I have a life to live." But Ruth chose to reclaim life God's way, she gave it up in order to find it again. 2) Choose To Trust That God Will Take Care Of You. //READ 2:12// There is a place of refuge in our God. Trust God, that He will add more blessing than grief- - //Lamentations 3:32-33// "For if He causes grief, Then He will have compassion according to His abundant loving-kindness. For He does not afflict willingly, or grieve the sons of men." 3) Choose To Follow Your Redeemer

//READ 3:9// A strange custom of compassion, a custom of protection, a custom of redemption.

The story of Ruth is NOT ONLY a story of faith, but it is also a story of Redemption.

A Story of Redemption. Boaz was a near relative of Naomi's , and when he saw this "woman of excellence" Ruth, he wanted to bring her life and hope again- - where there only was sorrow and mourning. Boaz brings her into his house. He married Ruth and loves her. This story is nothing less than an illustration of God's great love for us. He takes our lives full of trouble and tears, and assures us that He will take care of us. //READ V 4:14// God has not left you without a Redeemer today. He promises to comfort, heal and guide you today- - - as you and I look toward eternity.

{Excerpt Wayne Christianson, Moody Monthly}

Five Minutes After I'm In Heaven

"It may be a moment, or after months of waiting, but soon I shall stand before my Lord- - perhaps this year. Then in an instant all things will appear in new perspective. Suddenly then things I thought important- - - tomorrow's tasks, the plans for dinner at my church, my success or failure in pleasing those around me- - - these will matter not at all. And the things to which I gave but little thought- - {God's Word, Prayer, Worship, Witnessing my faith}- - will stand as real and enduring.

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