Finding Joy: The Fiancée & The Son
Contributed by Gordon Curley on Dec 9, 2018 (message contributor)
Summary: Finding Joy - The Fiancée & The Son - Luke chapter 1 verse 26-38 - sermon by Gordon Curley PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email: gcurley@gcurley.info
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• Mary’s Surprise (vs 34)
• Mary’s Miracle (vs 35-37)
• Mary’s Submission (vs 38)
• One day around about the year 1694 a young man living in Southampton;
• Complained to his father about the dull psalm singing,
• That took place each Sunday at their church.
• His father encouraged him not to moan about the situation;
• But to be positive and see what he could do to solve the problem.
• The young man went away and wrote his first hymn,
• "Behold the Glories of the Lamb,"
• He would go on to write approximately 650 hymns,
• Among his better known songs are, "When I survey the wondrous Cross",
• “Oh God, Our Help in Ages Past,” “I’ll Praise My Maker While I’ve Breath.”
• The young man’s name was Isaac Watts (born on 17th July 1674);
• And he has been called 'The father of modern hymns'.
• One of his hymns will be sung in many Churches this Christmas;
• He penned it in 1719 and it is the carol “Joy to the World".
• Isaac Watts was right when he titled his carol "Joy to the World",
• For Christmas is not just joy to the United Kingdom - it is not a national joy.
• It is not joy to the white, the black or the yellow skinned person - it is not a racial joy.
• It is not joy to the West--it is not a cultural joy.
• It is not joy to the rich - it is not financial joy.
• It is not joy to the educated - it is not intellectual joy.
• It is not joy to the happy - it is not emotional joy.
• It is not joy to the healthy - it is not physical joy.
• It is joy to the world. It is universal joy.
• TRANSITION: The title I have been given to speak on is:
• ‘Finding Joy - The Fiancée & The Son,’
• The fiancée being Mary and the Son being Jesus.
• It seems to me that Christians have always gone to extremes regarding Mary;
• Those who almost worship her, that is they have an over-emphasis on Mary.
• And those who almost ignore her! They have an under-emphasis on Mary.
• This is especially true in the Roman Catholic Church;
• The R.C. Church have a number of beliefs about Mary,
• e.g. Mary as Mediatrix, e.g. Mary as a perpetual virgin,
• e.g. Mary and her Immaculate conception, e.g. Mary and her Assumption.
• Which I believe are wrong because they are not Biblical teachings,
• But rather the invention of the Roman Catholic Church.
• They are wrong because they go beyond this book (the Bible)!
• These beliefs exalt Mary to a place and position;
• That the Bible never does.
• And as a result, they can cause many evangelical Christians;
• To react by going to the other extreme and almost neglecting her.
• Mary is a much under emphasised character among evangelical Christians.
• As a result we get very few sermons on the character of Mary.
• Preachers are happy to teach about other biblical mothers;
• e.g. Such as; Sarah or Hannah or Ruth.
• But when it comes to Mary the mother of Jesus,
• We back away, we tend to play safe and talk about other female examples.
• But that is to our loss!
• But just look at how the word of God describes the great woman:
• Luke chapter 1 verse 28:
• “Highly favoured of the Lord”.
• Old Latin Bible translation/version reads ‘gratiae plena’; Meaning “full of grace”
• God has choose her above all women to receive the world’s greatest gift – his son.
• The verse literally reads: “Grace, you who are highly graced”
• She was a godly woman but God’s grace was still neeed in her life.
• She was blessed among women but not above women.
• Luke chapter 1 verse 30:
• “Found favour with God”.
• Those descriptions alone mark out Mary as being unique.
• And deserving a respect and a greater prominence than so often we do not give her.
• Don’t forget every parent helps shape the;
• Personality, intelligence and mental health of their offspring.
• ill: We often say when we see troubled children;
• We look at ‘John & Terry’s’ kids and shake our heads saying; “I blame the patents”.
• ill: And when we see well brought up children like ‘Gordon & Penny’s’;
• We congratulate parents on what a fine job they are doing!
• Remember that Mary would be no different to any other parent;