
Finding Hope in Recovery

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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Our God is a God of Recovery. He is interested in your restoration. He is not happy when His children are not where they should be in this life. When you are lower in the status that heaven has ordained for you, heaven becomes concerned and questions the reasons.


If you're going through a broken heart, a failed marriage, a financial disaster, a family heartache, an emotional meltdown, or a spiritual collapse, there is hope for your broken life. Jesus specializes in recovery and transformation. Our God is a God of Recovery, interested in restoring and bringing His children back to where they should be. Let us not disappoint God and seek restoration in the name of Jesus Christ.

Definition of Terms

Discovery means finding out new information or learning something previously unknown. It involves searching, uncovering, and exploring new things. Information is power and can bring transformation and success. Observation, preparation, and perspiration are essential for discovery and recovery.

The Tools of Discovery

To properly discover, you need four main tools: your heart, eyes, ears, and body. Your heart helps you think good thoughts, your eyes help you see right, your ears help you hear correctly, and your body enables you to act and do what is necessary for recovery. Visualization is crucial for actualizing your discoveries.

Things You Need to Recover From

Throughout life, there are many things we need to recover from, such as defeat, grief, failure, spiritual abuse, lost fire of God, resentment, losses, bad relationships, and more. Each situation requires a different approach to recovery.

From Discovery to Recovery

Scripture provides examples of individuals who made great discoveries that led to their recovery. The widow of one of the sons of the prophet discovered she had resources that could help her recover. The Shunammite woman learned not to share her problems with those who couldn't help. The four lepers discovered the joy of sharing good news and recovered from their crisis. David and his men recovered all they had lost by helping others. Blind Bartimaeus discovered that Jesus could heal him and persisted in his faith. King Nebuchadnezzar discovered God's sovereignty and regained his throne. The greatest recovery of all time came through Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and offers spiritual recovery.


To pass from discovery to recovery, we must follow the steps outlined in 2 Kings 6:1-8. We should not be satisfied with our current situation but be determined to take action. We must ask God to go with us and be ready to work. Challenges will arise, but we must answer God's demands and play our part in the recovery process.


1. Father, open my eyes to see what resources I have for my recovery.

2. Lord, surround me with people who can help lift me up.

3. Help me not to hinder my own recovery.

4. Remove any obstacles that delay my recovery.

5. Keep me close to you, Lord, and prevent anything from separating me.

6. By your power, I will recover from failure, defeat, setbacks, losses, and grief.

In Jesus' name, amen.

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1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ___________ adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet odio sem, sed porttitor neque elementum at. Vestibulum sodales quam dui, quis faucibus lorem gravida vel. Nam ac ______ mi. Sed vehicula interdum tortor eu sodales. Integer in nunc non libero bibendum sodales quis vitae enim. Sed congue et erat ut maximus. Proin sit amet erat a massa dignissim _________ quis at lorem.

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