
Finding Hope in God During Tough Times

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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This sermon explores how David found hope in God during his difficult times, offering three guiding principles for us to do the same.


We all need encouragement in our lives, especially during times of crisis, discouragement, uncertainty, stress, or fear. In these moments, it is important to find strength in the Lord. In the story of David, we can learn three principles to guide us in encouraging ourselves in the Lord.

Seek Guidance and Direction from God

David and his men had left their families and possessions in Ziklag while serving in the military. When they returned, they found their city burned and their loved ones taken captive by the Amalekites. David's men were devastated and even turned against him, blaming him for their loss. However, instead of wallowing in despair or blaming others, David sought guidance from God. He asked the priest to bring the ephod, a sacred object used for seeking God's will. David inquired of the Lord whether he should pursue the Amalekites, and God assured him of victory. This teaches us the importance of seeking God's guidance before taking action.

Acknowledge that Where the Lord Leads, He Provides

Despite being weary and demoralized, David and his men pursued the Amalekites. However, they couldn't find any trace of them. In their search, they stumbled upon an Egyptian servant who had been left behind by the Amalekites due to illness. David showed kindness to the Egyptian, who then revealed the location of the Amalekites. With God's provision, David and his men attacked and defeated the Amalekites, recovering everything that was lost. This reminds us that when we follow God's leading, He will provide for our needs.

Be a Channel of God's Grace

After their victory, some of David's men refused to share the spoils with those who had stayed behind to guard the supplies. However, David reminded them that everything they had was a gift from God. He emphasized the importance of treating one another with grace and fairness. From that day forward, it became a principle in Israel that those who fought and those who stayed behind would share equally in the spoils. This teaches us the value of being channels of God's grace to others.


In the story of David, we see that even in the midst of his lowest point, God was working behind the scenes to fulfill His promises. The loss of Ziklag, though devastating, was part of God's plan to position David for his future as king. David found strength in the Lord by seeking His guidance, acknowledging His provision, and being a channel of His grace. Likewise, we can find encouragement in our own lives by following these principles. Let us remember that God is always with us, ready to strengthen and guide us through every situation.

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