
Summary: Each of us undoubtedly faces hardships, without exception. These difficulties can arise unexpectedly, through no fault of our own. However, some challenges are the result of our own actions.

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"Finding Hope in Difficult Times"

(Lessons from the Life of Joseph)

Each of us undoubtedly faces hardships, without exception. These difficulties can arise unexpectedly, through no fault of our own. However, some challenges are the result of our own actions. Therefore, we must not blame God when we encounter difficulties, especially those that are self-inflicted. Despite God being infinitely merciful and compassionate, His grace ensures that He continues to love us even when we err. This is why today we will explore several aspects of Joseph's life as he found hope during difficult times.

Overcoming Hardships with Faith

Beginning in Genesis 37, we see the emergence of Joseph. Joseph was one of Jacob's sons, born to his wife Rachel. Jacob (Israel) likely favored Joseph because his other sons were more mischievous. This favoritism sowed the seeds of jealousy among his brothers. Joseph's dreams further fueled their resentment. In one dream, while binding sheaves in the field, his sheaf stood upright while his brothers' sheaves bowed down to his. In another dream, recorded in Genesis 37:9, the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowed to him. This was the tipping point that ignited his brothers' hatred.

As usual, Joseph, being the youngest, was tasked with delivering food to his brothers in the field. However, on that day, they conspired to throw him into a pit, intending to kill him. But their plans changed, and Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt. This marked the beginning of a series of hardships for Joseph, from being bullied by his brothers to being sold into slavery.

• In Egypt, Joseph remained faithful to God's word. Although he was fully trusted by his master Potiphar, he feared God and resisted the advances of Potiphar's wife. Genesis 39:2-3 states, "The Lord was with Joseph, so he succeeded in everything he did... Potiphar noticed this and realized that the Lord was with Joseph." Because Joseph rejected Potiphar's wife, he was falsely accused and imprisoned.

• Verse 23: The Lord was with him, and he prospered.

This highlights the uniqueness of the Jewish people, who are taught from a young age to study God's word. Even in prison, Joseph remained faithful to God, and God continued to be with him. When we face difficulties, we must remain steadfast in our faith, trusting that God is with us. We can draw strength from prayer and God's word.

Overcoming Hardships with the Power of Forgiveness

Notice carefully that despite the wrongs committed against him by his brothers, Joseph chose to forgive them. Joseph had every right to be angry, as his childhood and youth were shattered by his brothers' actions. They had clearly intended to harm him, even to kill him. Now, Joseph was the second most powerful man in Egypt, just below the king.

The Process of Joseph's Forgiveness

Revealing His Identity

Joseph eventually revealed himself to his brothers as the brother they had cast aside. This demonstrates Joseph's courage and sincerity in opening up and initiating the reconciliation process.


Interestingly, the Bible does not explicitly mention Joseph apologizing to his brothers. Instead, it was Joseph who forgave his brothers for their wrongdoing. Key verses that illustrate Joseph's forgiveness include:

"But don’t be upset, and don’t be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place. It was God who sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives." (Genesis 45:5)

"So it was God who sent me here, not you!" (Genesis 45:8)

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good..." (Genesis 50:20)

"So don’t be afraid. I will continue to take care of you and your children." (Genesis 50:21)

These verses show that Joseph not only forgave his brothers but also recognized God's greater plan in his suffering and was willing to help his family.

Joseph expressed his forgiveness to his brothers. Although he was the one wronged, Joseph chose to be the first to extend a hand of peace.

Divine Perspective

Joseph viewed his brothers' evil plans from a higher perspective. He stated that their evil intentions ultimately resulted in good. This reflects Joseph's spiritual maturity in understanding his suffering.

Concrete Actions

Joseph's forgiveness was not just in words but also in deeds. He asked his brothers to bring their father, Jacob, to Egypt and allowed them to settle there. This shows that Joseph's forgiveness was accompanied by tangible actions to restore family relationships.

Joseph's Attitudes Demonstrating Forgiveness


Despite being the second most powerful man in Egypt, Joseph remained humble and honored his father, bowing before him. This shows that Joseph harbored no resentment or sense of superiority over his family.

Understanding God's Plan

Joseph told his brothers, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good..." (Genesis 50:20). This indicates that Joseph saw his life experiences within the context of God's greater plan.

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