
Finding Grace in Unexpected Places

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 11, 2023
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A Place Called Lodebar


Today, we will explore the story of Mephibosheth from 2 Samuel 9:1-13. Mephibosheth was a man who found himself in a barren and desolate place called Lodebar. But through the grace of God, he was rescued and brought into the presence of King David. This sermon will highlight the significance of grace in our lives and how it can transform our circumstances.

I. Grace Will Find You

- David, motivated by grace, sought to show kindness to someone from the house of Saul.

- Mephibosheth, forgotten and abandoned, was remembered by David.

- God's grace pursues us no matter where we are, even in our most desolate places.

- Like Mephibosheth, we can be carried by God's grace when we are unable to walk on our own.

II. Abandon Your Crippled Past

- Mephibosheth had a crippled past due to his physical disability and the circumstances surrounding his family.

- We must let go of bitterness, fear, and the mentality of worthlessness that cripples us.

- Embracing God's grace means leaving behind our past and embracing a new identity in Christ.

III. Discover Who You Were Born to Be

- Mephibosheth was restored to his rightful position as a member of the royal family.

- Through grace, we are invited into an intimate relationship with God as His sons and daughters.

- This position is not temporary but permanent, ensuring our eternal place in God's family.

IV. Embrace God's Riches at Christ's Expense

- Mephibosheth received grace not based on his own merits but because of his father Jonathan.

- Similarly, we receive God's favor and forgiveness through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

- We live in the success and abundance of another, Jesus Christ, who paid the price for our salvation.


God's grace is available to all of us, just as it was for Mephibosheth. It seeks us out, carries us, and offers us a place at the King's table. We don't have to remain in a place called Lodebar, a place of barrenness and defeat. Instead, we can come out of that place and embrace the grace and mercy of God. Let us abandon our crippled past, discover our true identity in Christ, and fully embrace the riches of God's grace. May we all come out of a place called Lodebar and live in the fullness of God's grace.

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