Finding God In The Future Series
Contributed by Billy Ricks on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This series was designed to help people find God in unexpected places. Also that advent isn't a season that comes and goes. If you linger over the birth of the Savior Jesus it should create and attitude of celebration.
Intro: For the past six weeks we have discovered some amazing truths about finding God in Unexpected places. I hope that you have discovered that advent isn’t simply a season that comes and goes. As we linger over the memory of the birth of our savior it produces in us an attitude of celebration. This morning we will find God in the future. The second coming of Jesus should produce an attitude of anticipation and expectation.
The second coming of Jesus is a doctrine that makes Christianity different from history or science or philosophy. History says, “look back.” Science says, “look around.” Philosophy says, “look within.” Christianity says, “look up and look forward.” You will discover this morning that the Bible, God’s word clearly teaches that Jesus who rose from the dead and the earth, and now sits at the right hand of God the Father, will one day return to the earth.
Before we look forward to the second coming we need to be aware of some cautions.
1) We need to guard against speculation when dealing with the timing of the second coming.
Jesus Himself made this clear in both Mark and Acts
Mark 13:32 “Now concerning that day or hour no one knows—neither the angels in heaven nor the Son—except the Father.”
Acts 1:7 “He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or periods that the Father has set by His own authority.”
A lot of damage has been done for the witness of the church speculating about the time of Jesus’ coming or the person who is the antichrist. Some of the people chosen to be the anti- christ were, Jimmy Carter, Roanld Regan, Mickhail Gorbachev, Pope Benedict the 16, and most recently Barak Obama.
Adrian Rogers once said it well, “God has not put us on the programming committee, he has put us on the welcoming committee.”
2) We need to guard against argumentation about the second coming
If we are honest there are many and various interpretations of the timing and sequence of the second coming.
2 Timothy 2:14 “Remind them of these things, charging them before God not to fight about words; this is in no way profitable and leads to the ruin of the hearers”
It is the fact of Jesus return that we must be looking for, learning about and living for.
How do we know for sure that Jesus will return?
God made some very clear prophecies and promises.
I. God promised a return
Acts 1:9-11 (read) A promise of the return of Jesus.
More than a quarter of the Bible is predictive prophecy. In these promises of God 1845 references in the Old Testament say “Jesus is coming again.” In the New Testament of the 260 chapters there are more than 300 references to Jesus’ return. 23 of 27 New Testament books refer to the return of Jesus. For every prophecy of the first coming of Jesus there are 8 prophecies of the second. The Bible looks and longs for the second coming of Jesus!
The second coming of Jesus was predicted by the prophets, promised by Jesus and preached by the apostles and disciples. This is a doctrine or truth we should build our lives on. That is why next week these decorations will be gone but the yellow candle that represents the return of Jesus will remain.
A) A visual return – Revelation 1:7 “Every eye will see Him.”
Matthew 24:27 makes very clear that Jesus return will not be local but global. Jesus uses a simile to make very clear that His second coming will be visual! Revelation all eyes will see Him.
B) A physical return
Acts 1:11 We are told Jesus will come back in the same way he left.
It is the physical bodily resurrection of Jesus that reminds us of His humanity and victory of sin and death! He will come again and He will come physically as He left.
In His physical return we have the promise of the removal of sin and Satan forever!
II. God promised a ruling
A) A sad time for sinners (Revelation 1:7 “even those who pierced Him.”)
2 Thessalonians 1:6-9 (read) There is judgment for those who reject Jesus. Here is the answer to those who ask do Jews have to receive Jesus? Do people that are sincere in other religions have to receive Jesus. Yes! The Bible says that we are saved by receiving and confessing Jesus not by being sincere about the trappings of religion.
In the end it is the response you offer to the invitation to a relationship with Jesus.
1:7 all the families or “tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him.”
All those that have mocked, minimized and ignored Jesus will weep, whale and mourn because they will see Him as He is, Savior, King, God. Those that reject Jesus will stand before the great white throne of Judgment. Seen in Daniel 7 and Revelation 20