
Finding God in Our Lives

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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The pursuit of God is based on a decision and motivated by a firm conviction. Reaching this level requires an effort that few are motivated to take. Here is a reflection on what Isaiah speaks about this.


The search for God is a decision motivated by a strong conviction. It requires effort that few are willing to make. In this reflection, we will explore what Isaiah says about seeking God.


Isaiah 55:6-7 (NIV)

"Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them."


Firstly, two important words in the first part of this verse are "seek" and "call." To seek means to do everything necessary to find someone and be with them. To call means to invoke or attract someone to come to our side. Therefore, seeking God requires effort and doing whatever it takes to find Him and be in His presence. This effort involves practicing R.E.P: Reordering, Exerting, and Persevering.

1. Reordering our priorities:

In life, we tend to prioritize things and act accordingly. Some prioritize work above all else, dedicating excessive hours and neglecting important aspects such as family time, personal health, and relationships. However, we must understand that the most important thing in life is Jesus Christ. We need to make God our top priority, which will help us make better decisions and align our actions accordingly.

2. Exerting effort in seeking God daily:

Effort is a part of life; everything requires effort, including seeking God. The Bible teaches us that there is a reward for those who seek God early in the morning. Therefore, we should make the effort to seek Him at the beginning of each day. By doing so, we set the tone for our day, determine our objectives, find courage and strength to face obstacles, and open doors of opportunity. Our efforts will be rewarded because God is faithful.

3. Persevering in the search for God:

Success in life is not a result of chance or circumstance but of perseverance. Perseverance allows us to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. Many understand the importance of seeking God, but few persevere in this pursuit. How can we learn to persevere and make seeking God a positive habit in our lives? Here are three steps:

3.1. Start small:

Don't try to do everything at once. Seeking God requires time, so start by setting aside a specific time each day. If you usually wake up at 6 am, set your alarm for 5:30 am and begin your search for God.

3.2. Set concrete goals:

Set specific goals for yourself, such as committing to spend quality time with your family or attending church regularly. If you fail to achieve these goals, evaluate what went wrong and try again. Don't give up!

3.3. Repeat daily:

Forming a habit takes time, and some say it takes about a month of consistent effort. Evaluate your progress at the end of each day and continue to exert effort the following day.


My time with God is based on the decision I make now to reorder my priorities, exert effort in seeking Him, and persevere daily. I recommend three important actions: reading the Bible, praying, and sharing with other believers. By doing these things, we draw closer to God and distance ourselves from sin.


I invite you to make a decision today to seek God with all your heart and put Him as the top priority in your life. Repent from your wicked ways and turn to the Lord, for He is merciful. Remember, "My relationship with God keeps me away from sin, and my relationship with sin keeps me away from God."

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