
Summary: #6 of 8 Narnia teachings. Geared to help you draw out and apply the powerful scriptural truths found in C.S. Lewis’ classic: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

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Envision with me the glimmer of a lamppost in the distance, and snow is falling ever so gently across the beam of light, allowing for you to barely pick up on the trees draped in their bridal gown of white. This is an unEXPECTED discovery, what lies ahead beyond the forest is a new world, a place you’ve never been before. But, in an odd way, there is something comfortable about the radiant glow that lies protected in that globe upon the post, a sense of purpose to it’s existence and somehow it seems to draw you forward and light the path you must follow, and so as brave as you can be…you venture forth to battle for the good of it!

Sound familiar? If you’ve been hanging around TFH the last few weeks, indeed you can easily imagine this scene from C.S. Lewis’ book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. And, if you’re new here, then let me tell you a bit about this fairytale, first published in 1950, has 85 million copies in print, in 30 different languages, and has now been made into a major motion picture in fact, opening in theatres this Friday, December 9th.

There are four siblings: Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, who while playing, stumble through a wardrobe into a fantasyland called Narnia. It appears to be a charming, peaceful land with talking animals, dwarfs, fauns, and giants, until the children learn of the evil White Witch, who rules over Narnia where is eternally winter and never Christmas. Eventually, the kids meet Aslan the lion, the true King, who guides them to fulfill their purpose of freeing this earthlike land.

And so, you might ask, “what is the point of us turning to a popular fiction book, in church of all places, and examining the pages within?” It might help us to know that the author of this book, C.S. Lewis, had a purpose in writing the Chronicles of Narnia, and it was NOT to divert us with fantasy. But rather, with his fiction writing, he intertwined biblical truths, hoping we would discover the story within the story, and return to reality with a newfound desire to find the magic in own lives. Gosh…I want that….Christianity is supposed to be exciting and miraculous isn’t it? So, c’mon let’s take a closer look…

Now we are going to zoom in on this scene I mentioned. This is at the beginning of the book where we get a glimpse of this new land, Narnia, as seen through the eyes of Lucy, the youngest of the four children. She finds herself in a very critical point in time….have you ever experienced a critical point in time? Maybe a new job offer, enrolling in school, the birth of a new baby, marriage. Or maybe something more along the lines of sickness, depression, divorce, or loss?

Well listen, I believe we can actually learn about what to do in those critical times of our own lives by looking at little Lucy, who playfully discovers a hiding place in the wardrobe. Can you imagine as she investigates the interior belongings and makes her way past a mass of hanging fur coats EXPECTING to finally reach out and feel the backside, instead stumbles upon an opening and sees that lamppost glimmering in the distance.

Her next move is crucial!

And, we can all relate…in those times in our life when we are in that tunnel of transition, that uneasy place, where we make decisions. We waver, and I don’t know about you, but all too often, in my own mind, I’m trying to think and figure and calculate and predict the future to determine my best decision. My mind gets to spinning, and oh, believe me I’m looking good on the outside…controlled, together….I’m a Christian, but on the inside…reality…I don’t know which way to go. Proverbs 19:21 says: We humans keep brainstorming options and plans, but GOD’s purpose prevails. Mmmmmm…I like that!

So, Lucy, she finds herself upon the threshold of this new land and indeed, much like us in our adult ways, she turns and looks back towards the comfort of where she has already been…but, with little hesitation, like a child, she moves forward, towards that lamppost, because she simply trusts that what lies ahead is purposeful and worthy of further exploration.

Matthew 18:3 Jesus says: "I’m telling you, once and for all, that unless you return to square one and start over like children, you’re not even going to get a look at the kingdom, let alone get in.”

Somehow, that verse has some newfound meaning to me as I think of Lucy and the fact she could have turned back. She may have missed out on all the adventures that awaited her, and more importantly she may have missed fulfilling her entire purpose…which was, along with her brothers and sister, to reign as Kings and Queens of Narnia. Oh, Lord, I don’t want to miss out on my purpose and most definitely I don’t want to miss out on your Kingdom!

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