
Summary: Finders keepers, loser’s weepers. From "A person who finds something can keep it, and the loser has no right to it. This proverb is of dubious ethical merit."

This is one of the most familiar stories in the Bible. Most of us have heard the story from Sunday school. We have sung songs about Zacchaeus. So, what “fresh” lesson can be told concerning these verses.

I. Jesus Always does the Finding

1. Most of us have heard and or used the saying, “Finders Keepers, Losers’ weepers.”

a. In the story of Zacchaeus, who found whom?

b. Did Zacchaeus find Jesus, or did Jesus find him?

2. Jesus found Zacchaeus. Luke 19:5

3. Jesus found the woman at the well. John 4:4

a. Why did Jesus have to go through Samaria?

b. What was so important?

4. Jesus found Philip. John 1:43

5. Jesus found Saul. Acts 9

6. Jesus found Matthew. Matthew 9:9

a. Matthew was not looking for Jesus. He was collecting taxes.

7. Jesus found David. Psalm 40:1-3

8. Jesus seeks every sinner.

a. Jesus sought me, through a Sunday school teacher, through a wife.

b. Natural man does not and will not seek God.

1) John 3:19

2) Romans 3:11

3) Isaiah 53:6

c. Please understand that without Christ we are:

1) Lost and on our way to Hell.

2) Romans 3:23, Isaiah 64:6

d. Where did Jesus find you?

1) Uncle Bud

2) Bro. Clark

3) Bro. Nick Bondage

II. We are to be Finders

1. Jesus found the woman at the well. We need to listen to her. John 4:28-36

2. Jesus found Philip. Philip found Nathaniel. John 1:43-45

3. Jesus found Andrew. John 1:40-41

a. Remember Andrew and the Lord.

b. John 12:20-22; Philip found Andrew; Andrew told Jesus.

4. Jesus found the maniac of Gadara. Luke 8:26-39

5. It’s right and natural for us who have been found to want to tell others.

III. Jesus is the Keeper

1. When Jesus finds, He keeps.

a. It’s Jesus power that saves, by His blood.

b. Its Jesus power that keeps, by His blood.

c. No way that man can undo what Jesus did.

2. 1 Peter 1:5; Romans 8:31-34; Romans 8:35-39

a. You cannot separate yourself from the love of God once you have been saved. Hebrews 13:5

b. Ephesians 1:13-17; 4:30; the day of redemption.

3. Much in the Bible about us hearing God. John 5:24; 10:27-30

IV. The Lost are Losers

1. If you are without Christ, you are lost. You are a loser. Ephesians 2:12

a. You lose out on eternal life. Heaven.

b. On a relationship with God

c. A loser for all eternity

2. Example of a loser. Luke 12:13-21; a great success, but a loser.

a. This man did not think about God or getting saved.

1) No church, no loudmouth preacher, no Hellfire, or damnation preaching.

2) He did not want to hear about being a sinner.

b. He just wanted to make money, money, money. He wanted to build, build, build.

c. This man looked like he had everything. He was a winner, but he was a loser.

1) He lost his soul

2) He lost everything he spent all his life gathering.

3. Example of another loser. Luke 16:19

a. Society may call “men” winners

b. Without Jesus as savior, all are losers.

V. Losers are Weepers

1. Eternal Hell will be filled with losers who are weepers. Luke 13:23-28

2. Mark 9:42-48

3. Notice how the Bible describes Hell

a. A place of separation from God.

b. A place of vile companions.

c. A place of hopelessness

d. A place of suffering

e. A place of memory

4. The last view of losers and weepers. Revelation 20:10-15

5. Christians are winners. Revelation 21:3-4

6. We are all sinners, as sinners we owe a penalty for our sin. Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23

a. God says that penalty is eternal Hell.

b. Jesus, the perfect lamb of God, paid our sin debt for us when He died on the cross of Calvary. By placing all your faith and trust in Him.

7. John 1:29; Revelation 3:20

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