
Fighting Words: Understanding and Overcoming Conflict

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Oct 9, 2024
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We all fight with each other, but have you ever wondered why? James tells us it's because of our own desires. Our desires can lead to conflict and fights. But there's hope. We can change the way we handle our desires.

Fighting Words: Understanding and Overcoming Conflict

Youth Group Plan: Fighting Words: Understanding and Overcoming Conflict (James 4:1-3, Genesis 4, Philippians 4:7)

Youth Sermon: Fighting Words: Understanding and Overcoming Conflict


Hey guys, let's dive into something we all know too well - fights. You know, those arguments with your siblings over the remote, or with your friends over who gets the last slice of pizza. Ever wondered why we fight? James, in the Bible, says it's because of our own desires.

Let's pray: "God, help us understand our desires that cause fights. Heal us, so that our lives may reflect your love."

Scripture: James 4:1-3, Genesis 4, Philippians 4:7

Imagine this: You're at a vending machine, and you've got just enough change for one candy bar. You want a Snickers, but your friend wants a KitKat. You both can't have what you want, so what happens? A fight, right? That's what James is talking about. Our desires can lead to conflict.

James, in the Bible, says it's because of our own desires.

Main Points

1. The Root of Conflict: Selfish Desires (James 4:1) We all want stuff, like the last slice of pizza or the best seat in the car. When we don't get what we want, we get mad and start fights. We need to admit that our fights often come from our own selfishness.

2. Unmet Desires Lead to Destructive Actions (James 4:2a) When we don't get what we want, we can act out. We might not punch someone, but our words can hurt. Our anger can lead to saying things we don't mean, which can ruin friendships.

3. The Misuse of Prayer: Asking with Wrong Motives (James 4:2b-3) We should talk to God about what we want, but we need to check why we're asking. Are we asking God to give us what we want, or are we asking for what He wants for us? Real prayer is about wanting what God wants, not just getting what we want.

What Can We Do About This?

1. Check Your Desires: Think about what you really want when you're mad. Talk to God about it and ask Him to help you want the right things.

2. Trust God's Plan: Believe that what God wants is better than what you want and let Him lead.

3. Pray for a Change: Ask God to change your heart and to help you want peace and love, even when you're mad.

4. Choose Peace: Decide to make peace, not win the fight.


By doing these things, we can stop fighting and start living in peace, humility, and trust in God. Let's pray together: "God, help us to want what you want. Change our hearts and help us to make peace. Amen."

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What are some desires that often lead to conflict?

2. How can we handle these desires in a godly way?

3. How can prayer help us handle our desires?

4. What does it mean to surrender our desires to God's will?

5. How can we seek peace instead of victory in conflicts?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Desire Island

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