
Fighting The Good Fight

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
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This sermon encourages us to understand and engage in the spiritual battle of faith, recognizing its necessity and the eternal rewards it brings.


Good morning, family. We gather here today with open hearts and minds, ready to dive into the wisdom of God's word. Today, we're going to wrestle with a passage from 1 Timothy, chapter 6, verse 12. It reads, "Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses."

This isn't a physical battle we're talking about, but a spiritual one, a daily struggle that shapes our character and determines our eternity. As the great Christian author, C.S. Lewis once said, "Christianity is not a fighting religion. It is a fighting faith." It's not about outward combat; it's about an inward struggle, a constant push and pull between our earthly desires and heavenly calling.

So, as we dive into this powerful message today, let's begin with a prayer: Dear Lord, we come before You today, asking for wisdom and understanding as we delve into Your Word. Help us to grasp the meaning of this fight, to comprehend its necessity, and to appreciate the rewards that lie on the other side. Guide us, Lord, as we seek to strengthen our faith and deepen our commitment to You. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

I. The Necessity of the Fight

The concept of fighting, especially in the context of faith, may seem paradoxical at first. After all, isn't faith about peace, love, and harmony? Yes, it is. However, the necessity of fighting in our faith journey is not about physical combat or causing harm to others. It's about spiritual warfare, the battle between good and evil, light and darkness, truth and falsehood that takes place within our hearts and minds.

Firstly, we must understand that our faith is not passive; it's active. It's not a one-time event, but a lifelong journey. We don't just accept Jesus as our Savior and then sit back and relax. We are called to actively engage in our faith, to grow, to learn, to serve, and yes, to fight. This fight is necessary because our faith is constantly under attack. The world around us often contradicts the teachings of Christ, tempting us to stray from the path of righteousness. Our own sinful nature also wages war against our spirit, luring us into complacency, doubt, and disobedience.

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Secondly, the fight is necessary because it's through this struggle that we grow and mature in our faith. Just as a muscle needs resistance to grow stronger, our faith needs challenges to become more robust. Every time we choose to trust God despite our circumstances, every time we choose to obey His commandments even when it's difficult, every time we choose to love others even when they hurt us, we are fighting the good fight of faith. And with each victory, our faith muscle becomes stronger, our relationship with God deepens, and our character becomes more Christ-like.

Thirdly, the fight is necessary because it's a testament to our commitment to God. It's easy to say we believe in God when everything is going well. But when trials come, when our faith is tested, that's when our true commitment is revealed. The fight is not just about overcoming obstacles; it's about proving our loyalty to God, showing Him that we love Him more than anything else, that we're willing to endure hardship for His sake, that we're not fair-weather followers but devoted disciples.

Lastly, the fight is necessary because it's part of our witness to the world. When people see us standing firm in our faith despite opposition, when they see us choosing integrity over convenience, love over hate, forgiveness over revenge, they are witnessing the power of the Gospel in action. Our fight is not just for our own benefit; it's also for the benefit of those around us who are watching and wondering if this faith thing is real.

II. The Nature of the Fight

The nature of the fight, as described in 1 Timothy 6:12, is not a physical battle, but a spiritual one ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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