Fighting Back
Contributed by Dr. Amen Howard on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: I believe in fighting back in order to win, if the devil step on my toes, I will step on his head. I believe this is a time we have to fight back the enemy. We have got to a stage where the devil can’t touch us and go free.
I believe in running to the battle front to confront the enemy. I believe God had brought you and I this far. I want us to look at 3 things the Devil will like to do and we are going to look at them carefully.
Let’s check Luke 11:24-26. Underline.
Satan is a miserable failure. Now the bible says: after the unclean spirit had left, when you are born again sanctify by the spirit of God.
After you now belong to Jesus, you are now in Gods territory, Bible says the devil he lives, and goes around in the lowly places for refuge, but he finds none, he comes back because he said he will return. So, this morning we going to look at one or two things the devil will like to.
1- He will always like to come back because that is his promise.
2- He doesn’t respect! Can you imagine the devil calling your home his home? Why? Because he has been lived there for too long.
Some of you got saved not too long ago and drove out the devil. But he is saying I will be back. You know if a tenant live too long in a rent, he’ll start to behave as if he is the landlord of the house. Actually, you are still a tenant.
That is what the devil wants to do because he has been staying too long in your home, your marriage, your job, your finances and health. Every time people give their lives to Christ, their problem seem gone for awhile. You realize after some time, they go back to their old ways, old life styles they promise to forsake but because the devil has promised to come back. The bible says we are not ignorant of his devices. That is why I am warning you today to be aware of his tricks.
The bible says we have an adversary and who is that adversary? The bible tells us in 1peter 5:8 that our adversary is the devil. Your adversary does not want to see you prosper or see you happy. Your is not your wife, your husband, parents,siblings..your adversary is the devil..he says he'll be back.
He is a like roaring lion looking for whom it may devour.
Let’s look at 3 things the devil will like to do.
1. To devour your joy and your peace,
2. Marriage and family.
3. Health, and your job Luke 22:31,32. Jesus was telling peter and other disciples that Devil is going about to devour..
Didn’t you see what he did to Jesus? The fact that you are sitting in church today means he has lost his grip on you. Now that you have won the battle over Satan, be careful not to fall into his territory.
When the enemy comes tormenting you, you must be ready to fight back. Just as David saw Golliath, he felt embarrassed comparing the size of David to his.
David’s brothers were annoyed that he was too rude to have left the sheep’s. Saul gave David his amour, but David refused to wear it because they were too heavy for him. David told the king how he killed some vicious animals when they came and try to steal from his sheep, he believed in a God, who is tested and proven, who has the ability to disgrace His enemies and make fool of them. Some people are so use to wearing other people’s clothes which may not exactly fit them, David said to Saul these armour may have worked for you because they were prepared in your name and used to them, they worked for you…but it doesn’t mean they can work for me king thanks…. But you know what..I have a better idea of what and who can work for me…His name is Jesus my redeemer my deliverer, and my provider.
Golliath was kind of astonished at the appearance of young ruddy David with the sling shot in his hands that further fooled the giant who thought physical power was all he needed. People were so much afraid of his size but David said this guy is too big for me to miss with my sling shot, I can take him down, and his carcass will be for the birds to feed on. You know what…that is faith and faith alone in God almighty.
But he said with the name of the lord victory was in sight. Friend don’t mind what people are saying rather focus on your goal and no one can stop you not even the devil. Determine today and say I am fighting inflation, I am fighting unemployment, divorce, depression, sticking because I got the right one. Shout a big Amen.
But the bible says greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. David had a name that is greater that every other name.
1 Jn. 4:4.
Always blessings.
Dr. A. Howard. All rights reserved.