
Summary: Some of the reason why people do not praise God enough is that they do not appreciate all the benefits that come to those who worship more effectively.

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Fifty Benefits Derived from Praising God (Eph. 1:3-15)

1. Praise helps us honor, worship and give maximum glory to the only one who deserves it. Eph.1:1

2. Praise helps us complete God’s primary purpose for creating us. Eph. 1:3

3. Praise helps us understand our own identity, privileges, and responsibilities. Eph. 1:1

4. Praise helps us fully appreciate and appropriate God’s grace, goodness and peace. Eph. 1:2

5. Praise helps us gain a richer sense of spiritual, mental, emotional, social, and physical tranquility

6. Praise helps us lift our perspectives above and beyond the things on this earth to eternal values.

7. Praise helps us gain a greater awareness of how enriched we are through God’s blessings Eph.1:3

8. Praise helps us feel greater security in His everlasting love that chose us from creation. Eph. 1:4

9. Praise helps us have a greater self-esteem knowing that God picked us out for Himself. Eph. 1:4

10. Praise helps us gives us greater incentive to live our lives in holiness and consecration Eph. 1:4

11. Praise helps us helps us live lives that are blameless, pure, and wholly devoted to God. Eph 1:4

12. Praise helps us helps us share with others the rich blessings that can be theirs through Christ.

13. Praise helps us understand our inherited entitlements in Christ. Eph. 1:5

14. Praise reminds us that we are created to be witnesses of His praise to the 5 billion non-christians.

15. Praise encourages the 500 million Christians to build one another up through corporate praise.

16. Praise reminds us of our wonderful redemption, deliverance and salvation in Christ Eph.1:7

17. Praise relieves us from guilt, shame and the weight of our sin through Christ. Eph. 1:7

18. Praise helps us know that no Christian is greater than another because of the grace of Christ

19. Praise helps us grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God and His purposes.

20. Praise helps us gain a greater glimpse of God’s will, way and word. Eph. 1:8

21. Praise helps us understand the way God has work His will through out history. Eph. 1:8

22. Praise helps us gain a greater maturity in all the dimensions of life. Eph. 1:9

23. Praise helps us see how everything in life is created and held together around Christ. Eph 1:10

24. Praise helps us appreciate how we were made God’s heritage and accessed His power. Eph1:11

25. Praise helps us see how God’s eternal purposes make sense beyond man’s finite understanding.

26. Praise helps us see how God’s eternal plans are worked out according to His perfect will.

27. Praise helps us rest, relax, and renew our mind through the certainty of God’s game plan.

28. Praise helps us see that unless men are fitting into God’s plans they will be unfulfilled. Eph1:12

29. Praise helps us understand the blessings of the sealing of the Holy Spirit for eternal security.

30. Praise helps us appreciate all the present and future blessings and gifts we have in the Spirit.

31. Praise helps us give greater thanks to God for what He has done for us and other believers.

32. Praise helps us praise with greater power, perspective, and persistence to a praiseworthy God.

33. Praise helps us pray with greater conviction that God will give us wisdom and knowledge of Him

34. Praise helps us have a greater hope in our God who is able to overcome any discouragement.

35. Praise helps us understand why non-christians are unable to perceive spiritual truths. Eph. 1:18

36. Praise helps us appreciate the surpassing greatness of His power for us who believe. Eph. 1:19

37. Praise helps us learn more about the limitless power, reach and effectiveness of God’s strength.

38. Praise helps us gain a rich contrast of the finite power of people versus God’s power. Eph. 1:19

39. Praise helps us see that the culmination of God’s power, wisdom and truth are found in Christ.

40. Praise assures that God’s power is far above all rulers, authorities and dominions. Eph. 1:21

41. Praise assures us that God’s purposes, plans and results will supercede all others. Eph. 1:21

42. Praise assures us that any human, demonic or organizational plot against God’s plan will fail.

43. Praise assures us that all things have been put under the sovereign control of Christ. Eph. 1:22

44. Praise assures us that Christ is the head of the church who will not share His glory with another.

45. Praise assures us Christ will work through His church in the implementation of His will Eph.1:22

46. Praise assures us that Christ will fill His body with the necessary gifts to accomplish His will.

47. Praise assures us Christ’s body will have the full measure of His personage and power. Eph. 1:23

48. Praise assures us Christ is able to make everything beautiful and complete in His time. Eph. 1:23

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