Fiery Darts
Contributed by Mike Carmody on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Some fiery darts that Satan is throwing at those seeking to worship God. Worship is a battle field that Satan has not had to send his troops to in a long time. Now that we are beginning to experiece worship.....LOOK OUT, HERE HE COMES!!!
Fiery Darts
Eph. 6:10-17
In this text we see God’s instructions for defense against the devil.
Vs. 14 tells us to gird up our loins with truth.
Also in verse 14 we are to put on the breastplate of righteousness.
Vs. 15 instructs us to protect our feet (or our steps) with preparation.
Vs. 16 tells us to wear the shield of faith.
Vs. 17 we see the helmet of Salvation
Vs. 17 to carry with you the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God.
God gives these basic pieces of armor to us as a defense mechanism. They are to be used by God’s children to protect us from the enemy.
Something that is very interesting is the fact that God has given us these instructions at all. The fact that He gave us this scripture insures us that we will be attacked by the devil.
Demon attack to the child of God is nothing new. Neither is it a thing of the past. We have simply gotten used to the flow of life that we don’t even know when the devil is attacking. He is so subtle in his approach. Not to mention that we are not looking to be attacked because we think that life’s problems are something that we just have to live with.
This scripture can be used as protection against attack of the devil. Tonight I want to dwell on a certain battle field that the devil has not had to order his troops to attack in a long time. This battlefield has been abandoned by Christians a long time ago. We’ve let down our guard for many years on this issue which is key to the life of a growing Christian. The battle field that I am speaking of is worship.
Throughout the history of man we have been battling against the devil’s attacks. When Satan began to attack the Sunday school classes in Bible believing churches we were not ready. That is why Sunday school attendance is at it’s lowest in American history. God’s anointing was on the van ministries of churches all across America until the devil began to attack it.
The people at Community Baptist Church and other churches who are experiencing the anointing to God during their worship services need to put on the armor because Satan is on the prowl. He wants nothing more than to wipe out worship and replace it with a programmed routine.
Tonight I want to educate those of you who are serious about worshiping God. You need to know where Satan is going to be attacking you because he may just start with you.
Read vs. 16.
This verse tells us to take the shield of faith. Why did he choose the shield to protect us against these fiery darts of the devil? Why not the helmet of salvation or the breast plate of righteousness? Because worshipping God will effect more than just one part of the body. True worship will effect the whole body. From the feet down low to the hands raised up high. The only thing that can protect the whole body is the shield.
What kind of darts is Satan going to throw at the true worshippers?
1. Dart of Traditionalism – will penetrate unprotected worshipers-worshipping for tradition’s sake.
A. “Well preacher, we did just fine before you went and put up a screen. I don’t know why we need it now.”
B. “What ever happened to the choir preacher? Church just ain’t church without a choir.” Who says? Paul never once announced choir practice at 5:00…
C. “Preacher, why don’t you wear a tie when you come to visit me?” Tradition says preachers have to wear a tie when they preach. Or ladies have to wear skirts to church.
D. Did the preacher lose his privilege to go without a tie because he is a preacher?
E. Matt. 15:1-3
2. Dart of Denominationalism - will penetrate unprotected worshipers – worshipping for your denomination’s sake.
A. Some folk believe that the Baptists are going to be the only one’s in heaven.
3. Dart of Racism –
A. God never invented the white church or the black church. He is building, His church.