
Summary: A Message to Christian Women: We are God's Masterpiece, We were created in His image and after His likeness and call the works of His hands "GOOD"

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Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and didn't like what you saw? Hello! I don't know about you, but I have. Many times over! I am not just talking about in recent years, but even in my youth. It's often common among us women to be so self-conscious about our looks because of how society or someone expects me and you to be. As a result, several people have harmed themselves to be the perfect woman, the ideal wife, mother, friend, colleague, etc. I remembered years ago, I had this roommate in college and immediately my other roommates, and I saw her, we knew something wasn't right about this girl, come to find out she was anorexic. For those of you who do not know what it is, Anorexia, according to the U.S National Library of Medicine is an eating disorder that makes people lose more weight than is considered healthy for their age and height. They always have this intense fear of gaining weight even when they are underweight, and it is a severe disease that sometimes leads to death. This roommate of mine had ended up in the emergency room a few times, and because I was so concerned for her especially since I was the only one, she talked to, I made an effort to get her some help. Now, I know there are a few things that we may love to change on our bodies especially but let me ask you this if you have the opportunity to change, for example, your nose, lips, etc. "BECAUSE" you don't like the way you look, or you are consistently being made fun of, will you be content with your new look or will you seek other parts of your body to change? Who are you trying to impress? Do you not know that God created you to be different from the next person for a reason? If you now succeed at changing to look or act like someone else, you are no longer unique, and the person or persons you are attempting to impress will now have something else to make fun of at your expense. What was accomplished? Absolutely nothing, except for deep regret, poor self-image, depression, etc.

Beloved, God does not make mistakes, He made you and I the way we are for a particular reason, His words says in Psalm 139:13 " You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knitted me together in my mother's womb. No one in the universe, No human being can create such a masterpiece like you and I. Recently, I was reading an article from last year, and it was talking about how finally there has been a breakthrough in human cloning, and it was discovered in the state of Oregon. Can you believe these scientists? They are trying to prove to the world that there is no infinite God that created the universe and everything in it and we just happened to appear from nowhere and landed on earth. These scientists created by the God they do not believe in, have no clue of the dire consequences of their actions in attempting to be like God by cloning humans. The creation cannot be above his Creator. It is not possible, and no one can replicate you because you are God's original masterpiece created in His image for His good pleasure... The bible tells us in Genesis 1:27 that we were created in the very image of God. Do you know we are the only creation of flesh and blood into which He breathed the breath of life Gen 2:7? Therefore, we are living souls, we were the last of God’s creation, and it was after He created Man that the Lord now looked over all He had made, and he saw that it was perfect as it tells us in Genesis 1:31 NLT. "Good," not the world's kind of good but God's kind of good, which is excellence. When God looks at you, he does not look at the human imperfections, but He looks at His creation, His workmanship which He made so wonderfully complex. Do not allow the enemy to deceive you into thinking otherwise about yourself because according to John 10:10 satan’s job is to kill, steal and destroy, but Jesus said I have come that you may have life in abundance. God’s thoughts towards you no matter what you think of yourself today, or what the enemy wants you to believe is good and filled with love and hope for you.

As the psalmist states in verse 16 that God knew you while being formed in your mother's womb, He knew the challenges that you will face in life and He has preserved you all this time for a purpose and what is that purpose, to do His will on earth. He has an assignment for each of you to do and regardless of what you have done, where you have been, whatever challenge you may be facing today, God loves you, and He wants to show you to the world as his beloved and precious daughters.

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