Favour Of God
Contributed by Pastor E. Jolly Erhunwmunse on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Jacob was not the rightful person to receive the blessing from the father, but because the mother loved Jacob more than Esau which made Jacob to become a candidate of uncommon favour.
Gen. 27:27-29 “27 So he went to him and kissed him. When Isaac caught the smell of his clothes, he blessed him and said, “Ah, the smell of my son is like the smell of a field that the LORD has blessed. 8 May God give you heaven’s dew and earth’s richness— an abundance of grain and new wine. 29 May nations serve you and peoples bow down to you. Be lord over your brothers, and may the sons of your mother bow down to you. May those who curse you be cursed and those who bless you be blessed.” (NIV)
Beloved, to get this kind of favour is not by your hard labour it’s by the power of GOD. Jacob received the blessing of GOD. Generational blessing is an example of the favour of GOD, Jacob was not the rightful person to receive the blessing from the father, but because the mother loved Jacob more than Esau which made Jacob to become a candidate of uncommon favour.
It is the kind of favour that comes from above.
It is the favour that does not follow due process.
It is the favour that ignores your mistake and weakness.
It is the favour that men cannot comprehend.
Uncommon favour is when GOD makes him self known in your situation.
Uncommon favour is when GOD promotes you beyond your imagination.
It is possible that someone who graduated with distinction or 1st class get a job in a big company with top management position, but it becomes uncommon favour when a school cert holder attain the same position. Beloved you need the favour of GOD to make it in this life. If you depend on your strength and intelligent only, you are doing to fail in this earth. A man that builds a house after working for 30years before he built a flat it is understandable, but it becomes a favour of GOD when a pepper seller become a landlord in Victoria island.
Beloved, this is another uncommon favour to the woman called Mary, Mary was not the only one woman that was a virgin in her time, But she receive the favour of GOD, and gave birth our Lord Jesus Christ without sexual intercourse this is an uncommon favour. You can do it only in race you need the favour of GOD are you looking for a job, you need the favour of GOD, in your marriage need the favour of GOD. This remain of a story of woman that was in prayer group, She has been praying for a marital breakthrough she has not found a faithful one, Infact she has not being receiving and accepting application from men, But one day a man came from Canada to see G.O. and he came in contact with this woman they got married and immediately after the marriage they both travelled to Canada, But one night as they were about to sleep with the man shouted and started screaming and the sister was afraid only to find out that the man was virgin a 45years old Canadian. That is the favour of GOD.
What are you looking for now, you need the favour of GOD to make it happen. Jacob got the blessing he did not merit. When you work hard in your office and you get extra pay that is not an uncommon favour, it is when you know that with what you have done, you don’t deserve anything good and something good just happen this is the favour of GOD.
Beloved, there are three different kinds of favour:
1.Favour by Availability: This occurs when they have no option than you, Then they decide to favour you.
2.Favour by merit: This is the favour you deserved.
3.Unmerited favour: This is the favour you did not deserve. You know by your experience you are not qualify to get a particular job, you know you can speak very well and they are making you head of a department in company, you know you are not good in English and Administration and they are making you P.A. to the M.D. this are uncommon favour, When a youth of 25years of age build a house without stealing / other ungodly means rather by himself without the help of his family or he/she is from a poor family that is an uncommon favour.
Beloved there are so many areas in our life that need uncommon favour. You need the favour of GOD in marital breakthrough. We also need uncommon favour in our marriage; when a woman of 60years old giving birth. We also need the favour of GOD in our examination. I know of a brother who wrote exam and he knows that by his ability he will fail but when the result was release he scores excellently. A lecturer told me that he was marking a script and the person score 7, but then he decides to add 0 to it making 70 that is uncommon favour. You need the favour of GOD in your carrier; when you are employed not base on your qualification and experience. You need the favour of GOD in your calling and ministry; when your prayer and message touch peoples life. You need the favour of GOD in your decision making. When you begin to make decision that will always impact your life and others. There are so many areas we need uncommon favour in our life you know your own.