
Summary: This message is to get the believer to understand there place in the kingdom of God...

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It is essential as well as imperative to know that today we are dealing with a subject that has been misconstrued by many. This subject has derived from the thoughts of those who spend lest time with God and more time with man. In understanding the subject for today, you as a believer must sit back and question your relationship with God. It also leads me to know that this subject will befuddle you if you aren’t walking circumspectly to the word of God.

The word favor derives from the Greek word: chaphets(khaw-fates’) and it means to be: pleased with. The definition we are gained from Webster messes our minds up. Webster says that "favor" is: A gracious, friendly, or obliging act that is freely granted. Here we need to understand some things. God’s favor, what we’re talking about today is never freely granted. I know many of you have missed the point already. When God blesses you and I, many times it’s on an account of what we have done. It is not because of no degrees, no physical apperance, or no other thing that man is compelled too.

When God blesss his people, it is on account of what has transpired from the bedroom of our holy temple to the rooftops of our kingdom vessels. You should never think God’s blessings are a favor to you. There is a difference in favor and doing a favor. Favor is divine appointment from God. We do favors for each other on account of what you have done for me. Favors in the natural are done on accounts of things previously done by the individual in which you are asking the favor from. God is the same way, it’s just in the spiritual arena of this discussion. God’s favor is done by the time that is spent with him and by seeking his face diligently.

Here in Genesis 39, we are dealing with a young man by the name of Joseph. Joseph was a familiar character who experiences God in a different spectrum. Joseph experiences God through hardships and trials. He is allowed the favor of God through his troubles. These things Joseph is enduring are building his character for the blessings he’s about to enter into.

If we go back to Genesis 37, we see God is beginning the process in Joseph’s life by showing him the things he shall do in a dream. In this dream, God is skilling Joseph and maturing/nuturing him into the progress of his present ministry. Here we see two main things happen: (1) Joseph is afraid of how he will be viewed by his family; and (2) Joseph’s family is jealous and his brothers are plotting to kill him.

Here, I need to interject some main thoughts. You cannot see and experience God until you ask God to erase jealousy out of your heart. I don’t understand how christians are always degrading someone else when everything in there life is dirty. The bible lets us to know that we are to rejoice when we see our sister or brother rejoicing. It is funny how we only want people to rejoice with us, but we can’t rejoice with no one else. This is not the will of God. You should be so happy when God blesses me that before I shout, you are shouting. Before I tell the Pastor, you should have already beat me to the pastor so that when I call him, it isn’t new, it is fresh and we can shout together. If you have jealousy in your heart you have a spiritual blockadge and you need a spiritual diagnosis. It is time for the church to grow up and learn how to appreciate my season.

The second thing is: Joseph, all the while is protected by God’s grace. Someone would raise the question: "If God loved Joseph, why would he take Joseph through so much?" That’s a good question! Let me answer it for you.....The reason God allows anyone to go through is so that he can clothed you with his favor and shape you into the character of God. I just want to digress just a little. Job didn’t do anything, but God was allowing the enemey to defeat Job because he was clothing Job with his favor and he was shaping Job. Job didn’t do anything neither did he cause this great destruction. A lot of times you’re going through to get to the blessings of God. Watch this! After Job testing days had reached its completion, Job was given double for his trouble.

Favor ain’t fair because you don’t even know how you got to where you are, all you know, all of sudden you saw yourself from a different place in your life. Things you once did, you don’t do them anymore. Places you once have gone, you stop going to those places. I told someone the other day, I don’t want to be nowhere God isn’t.

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