
Summary: The Apostle Paul’s definition of a good father.


1Thess 2:10-12

Introduction: Story of 2 fathers: Woodhaven, and football/faith. Sons imitate their fathers

I. Traits of a good father – These should be visible to men and God.

A. Righteous – Morally correct – ILLUS 275 Iceberg rooted in Jesus Christ. ILLUS 1147 Chinese symbol – Lamb over me.

1. Morality a problem in Thessalonica – pagan rituals, confusion on how to act

2. High moral standards = high calling from God.

B. Blameless – Not free from sin – sets example, works hard (demonstration of love)

C. Holy – Hardest of the 3 – ILLUS 655 – you, Israel, Jerusalem, belong to God, you are holy –ILLUS 1146 – Different colored glass - ILLUS 659 – C.S. Lewis quote : “How little people know who think holiness is dull. When one meets the real thing…it is irrestible. If even 10% of the world’s population had it, would not the whole world be converted and happy before a year’s end?”

II. What a good father does –

A. Encourages – Important from Dad – ILLUS 390 – Prison inmates

B. Comforts – As Jesus comforts, the touch of a Dad. ILLUS 26 – Little girl and shot.

C. Urges to a Godly life – Most important

III. What the Heavenly Father does

A. Calls into His kingdom and glory.

Conclusion: Children of God imitate God.

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