
Summary: The long-lasting speech of Paul starts with the testimony of his commitment, humility, sincerity in serving the public and the church. He never withdrew any sound doctrines, will of God, profit teachings and blessings from his hearers.

Acts 20:13-38 Farewell Speech of Paul at Ephesus

20:13-17 Paul at Seaport of Ephesus

20:18-35 Long lasting speech

20:36-38 Tearful Farewell to Paul

Acts 20:13-17 Paul at Seaport of Ephesus

Paul decided hurriedly go back to Jerusalem for the feast of Pentecost. But, before that, he would like to complete commitments with his people. The companions of Paul sailed from Troas to Assos, whereas Paul had journeyed by foot. Paul made use of every opportunity and wanted to preach the gospel in all possible ways. From Assos, the missionary team travel to reach Mytilene. From Mytilene, they sailed to Kios. Then they crossed over to Samos and finally arrived at Miletus. Paul went to Ephesus and had a fellowship meeting with the elders of the church. Then he decided to move on. Every movement and every act of a committed person point benefit people around them and allows preaching the gospel.

Acts 20:18-35 Long-lasting speech

The long-lasting speech of Paul starts with the testimony of his commitment, humility, sincerity in serving the public and the church. He never withdrew any sound doctrines, will of God, profit teachings and blessings from his hearers. He was visiting the believers from house to house and encouraging them to stay in faith. He preached repentance to the Greeks and Jews. He also warned them with tears day and night. Paul, like a good missionary, never coveted gold or silver from the believers. He was a hard worker and helper to the weak brethren.

He had declared the purpose of his visit to Jerusalem. He knew well in advance the hardships and problems he would face before them. He was worried about the completion of the task and finishing the set race. Preaching the gospel was the task of the people who are in need. He also told them that they would not see him again because of the prophecy and the after events.

Paul exhorted elders of Ephesian churches to watch over their lives and their congregation. He talked to them to be good shepherds of the Church of God. Paul told elders to understand the value of the believers who bought by the blood of Christ. He prophesied about the coming of the false teachers as wolves, and their brethren would turn into evil men to distort the faith of the believers.

Acts 20:36-38 Tearful Farewell to Paul

Tearful farewell has rarely occurred these days. On other occasions, many never even bothered who is coming in and who is going out. Many leaders are unnoticed and unappreciated and mostly criticised in the missions and churches. Paul knelt and prayed with all of them. They all wept and embraced him and kissed him. What a glorious farewell scene. Forgetful farewell speech with a heart-moving scenario towards a committed missionary who served them faithfully and sacrifice.


1. Place of festivals in Christian life concerning the feast of Pentecost observed by Paul?

2. ‘Church bought by the blood of Christ’ – What Paul communicates through this statement?

3. Share some of your farewell experiences.

(for further studies on the Acts of the Apostles please refer to this site)

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