
Summary: A sermon that teaches how to discern between what is true and false in the church and it's leadership

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False Spiritual Authority

Book of Daniel Series

CCCAG 1-12-25

Scripture: Daniel 2:1-12


I’m going to break up Daniel chapter 2 into two separate sermons.

It’s a long chapter, and it has two central subjects that are more than big enough to warrant two separate sermons.

The first part of this chapter that we will be discussing today deals with a subject that needs to be talked about in our day and age.

Because of where we are in the prophetic historical timeline, the bible tells us that we will see an increase of people claiming a false supernational ability which gives them spiritual authority.

Jesus warned us about this-

Mat 24:5 (In the last days) For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah (or your savior),’ and they will deceive many.

I personally have seen a lot of this being in the Pentecostal or Charismatic realm.

At one of my former church’s, the church board invited a guest speaker who was reported to have a “healing ministry”.

Being the interim pastor at that time, I spoke with the board about my reservations about this person coming.

My two reservations were this-

1. His doctrine was questionable to say the least and went against what our church generally believe- just way out there on the fringe- he was a name it and claim it type of preacher.

2. The second objection was a pragmatic one- is if this person is not legit- we would have dozens of people who were told they were healed and were not- but had a momentary endorphin rush during the service that temporarily made them feel better.

Now- I do,100% believe in God’s supernatural healing power. When I pray for a person to be healed, I pray in faith believing that I am being obedient to the Word of God.

But, don’t be fooled- there are people out there that are either evil or deluded, and will use your hope of being healed to enrich themselves.

The bible is clear- there are wolves among God’s sheep. Unfortunately, some of them carry ministerial credentials.

This is why false spiritual authority is dangerous to the individual believer, and to the church as a whole.

The sad truth is- if a person is gifted in public speaking, and has a bit of personal charisma, they can fool most people for a long time.

In Daniel’s day, this was true as well.

That’s what we are going to see in Daniel 2. The king needs help, but quickly realizes he has a bunch of false spiritual advisors. ________________________________________

I. The Distress of a King (Verses 1-3) (CSB)

Dan 2:1-3 During the second year that Nebuchadnezzar was king, he had such horrible nightmares that he could not sleep. (2) So he called in his counselors, advisors, magicians, and wise men, (3) and said, "I am disturbed by a dream that I don't understand, and I want you to explain it."


In Daniel 2:1-16, King Nebuchadnezzar, ruler of the Babylon, finds himself plagued by a mysterious dream. Night after night, the same dream but what is really bothering him is that he can’t remember the specifics of the dream.

He finally turns to his advisors- who are supposed to be wise men; schooled in religion, magic, and even the dark arts for answers.

It should be noted that none of these men that he is consulting are followers of God.

Nebuchadnezzar’s reaction is a common reaction that we all have. When something is overwhelming us, consuming our every thought- we need answers.

It also shows us that even a pagan king knows that there is something outside of himself. That’s why he reaches out to those who supposedly have a connection with the supernatural.

1. All humanity senses and recognizes there is something else other than the visible and tangible world we live in.

We see that today with the increase of interest in psychics. I know tons of people who travel around to visit the latest meeting where people will tell them messages from “the beyond”.

I have mentioned this before, but I get a lot of spam phone calls.

Once in a while I get one from someone claiming to be a mystic or medium calls me and wants to tell me my fortune.

The last time, it was a woman speaking in a creepy and very mysterious monotone voice- they try to sound like Dracula or something, “Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?”

I answer, “You’re the psychic, you tell me” and hang up on them.

But the fact that they are having meetings, and calling people shows us that our culture is begging for supernatural information and insight, which false spiritual leaders and systems attempt to exploit.

2. Application:

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