Fall Of A Superhero
Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Samson was a superhero as long as he walked with God, without God, he failed. You either go with God, or go alone.
Intro: the year was 1973—a horse called Big Red—Secretariat had won a few races and then lost one a few weeks before the Kentucky derby—there were mixed feelings of whether this would be a super horse—it had been 25 years since Citation had won the triple crown—well Secretariat—won the derby with a track record—then won the Preakness going away—America was polarized to the final race—the Belmont—but what happened in this race made Secretariat the horse for the ages—He took early control and by the time he finished in 2:24 he had shattered the track record by 2 3/5 seconds and beat the field by 31 lengths—people took trips to Kentucky from all over the world to see Secretariat at home—
People love to have a hero—many times heroes arrive when things are going bad—here is where our superhero comes in today—Samson came into Israel in the midst of a 40 year captivity to the Philistines—He was called out by God to deliver his people—Samson means sunshine—a light in darkness—He would be a Nazarite—set apart—
Today we will look at Samson---
The Fall of a Superhero
Judges 13-16
• He was a superhero—when he was set aside for God’s purpose—to destroy the Philistines-as I read the account of Samson’s life—at times he did God’s will by destroying the enemy—
• He was a superhero-when he carried the anointing of the spirit of God in his life—when the spirit of God would move on him, he was a superhero
Ill) John Wesley Fletcher—great revival—if you didn’t get to the church 45 minutes early—you didn’t sit on the main floor—you may make a seat in the balcony—with the anointing he had some of the greatest services in Montgomery’s history---but without the anointing he failed mightily.
Samson was a superhero as long as he grew out his hair, but as soon as it was cut, as soon as the anointing was gone, he went from extraordinary to ordinary.
Ill) when Ben Franklin was 7 years old a family member gave him some money as a gift, one of his friends had a whistle and Ben gave his money for that whistle—he went around the house blowing his whistle when his dad explained he could have bought 20 whistles with the money he used—Ben put down the whistle and never blew it again—in his life when he saw people going in the wrong direction-he always would comment—you are going to pay too much for your whistle--
The fall of a superhero
a. when his passion for God was replaced by his passions
he started walking in the flesh and fulfilling the lust of the flesh- you must guard your heart, and your passions—if they control you, they will lead you in all the wrong directions
b. when he started taking for granted the anointing on his life---he thought God’s power a small thing—
c. he lost his purpose—instead of destroying the enemy, he spent time in the enemies camp..
d. he lost his power—God’s Spirit will not always strive with a man- you start walking in disobedience and God will strip the mantle away
God’s grace and mercy: Superhero reborn
Samson was bound, blinded and the devil made sport of him-ridiculed continually by the Philistines
One thing they missed, one thing Samson missed-his hair had grown out—God will not go against his word—Samson’s power came back and he brought down the house..and this last victory was greater than all he victories of his life—
Sad ending—even though he died a superhero—he still died—his life could have been the life of a superhero every day—God wants his best for us, if we chose life, we have it in abundance—if we chose our will—we will have defeat and many times spiritual death..
Ill) John Wooden was the greatest college basketball coach ever—12 national titles—88 game win streak, Bill Walton, Lew Alcindor-and many other NBA superstars were on his teams—he was asked who was the best ever—surprisingly he told of a kid that was California high school player of the year—he came to UCLA as the top recruit in the nation---John Wooden said, of all the guys I’ve coached, this one could do it all, fast, could shoot, could jump, hit the big shot under pressure—but he didn’t like to practice, he didn’t like rules, and he started to hang out with the wrong crowds at UCLA—at the end of his freshman year he was cut from the team for discipline issues---John Wooden’s sad comment is this: he could have been the greatest ever to play this game…it is sad when superheroes fall--
Close: America needs superheroes –you can be one by being separated by God, walking in his anointing—have a passion and purpose for doing his will
In our world today there are very few heroes—the bible says many are called, few are chosen—or few respond to the call---respond to the call, be a superhero for God—
There is a nation in bondage waiting for superheroes to arise---be one…