Faithfulness: Climbing To New Heights With Jesus.
Contributed by Melvin Shelton on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Faithfulness is a quality we admire.
Galatians 5:22. 05/26/02
One place I would like to go someday and that is to Yellowstone National Park. You know what I would like to see? Some of you will say elk, deer or some wildlife. I would, but I would love to see that Geyser called Old Faithful. There are many geysers there but only one you can place any faith in consistency. Every 65 minutes there she goes shooting boiling water about 170 feet in the air. Old faithful.
Faithfulness is a quality we admire. If not we should. I can tell you this, not only does God admires faithfulness but requires it. The Bible says of Christians that we are to be found faithful. Listen, I don’t care how much ability you have: how much personality you have: how much intelligence you have: how hard you work: if you can’t be depended on, you are no good. If I were to ask the people in this congregation to write five letters to people they can depend on, would you receive a letter? Listen, there are nine deacons in this church ought to receive one of those letters but some of you would not. That is saying some can’t be depended on. Why? They are not faithful and trustworthy enough to get a letter. Teachers that teach Sunday School classes ought to receive one of those letters but many of you would not for the same reasons.
This morning, I want you to think with me about faithfulness. If we are faithful, we can and will climb to new heights with Jesus.
I have about three points I want to talk to you about this morning around the subject of faithfulness. No. 1, THE MARKS OF FAITHFULNESS. Where should we be faithful? Let me mention about to four or five areas. I know there are others but I want to mention about four or five.
I want to start at the very core of our life, we need to be faithful to our families. Folks if we aren’t faithful at home we are no good, and we won’t be faithful anywhere else. The religion that doesn’t begin at home doesn’t begin. Are you faithful at home? Are you dependable at home?
We ought to be faithful not only to our families but also to our finances. In the Gospel of Luke chapter 16: 10 says, "he that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much." What would you do if you had $one million? Some of you would say, preacher you would not have to worry about any building needs for the church I would build it. I would give, I would give. A good test of what you really would do is that $100, $50, $10 you do have. That’s the best test. If you are faithful in that which is least, you would not be faithful in that which is much. I will have more on giving in a later date, but you ought to tithe at least the church. If you don’t tithe, then you are stealing from God.
We need to be faithful with our friends. A friend is somebody who comes in when all the world has gone out. Do you have a friend you can really count on? Are you a friend that can be counted on?
We ought to be faithful to the fellowship. We need to be faithful in attending church. I know there are those who say you don’t have to go to church to be a Christian. Technically that’s right. But I doubt the Christianity of those who neglect the assembly. Setting in on the nominating committee, I know now there are some already planning to be unfaithful to the assembly. Let to me warn you not to use members of your family has an excuse for not assembling yourselves. One big reason is that God can remove all excuses.
The very fact that you are here this morning says a lot. You are saying pastor, God is important to me. I want to tell you what else you are saying. You are saying pastor you are important to me. You are saying to the person next to you, you are important to me. We need to be faithful to the fellowship.
I want us to think not only of the marks of faithfulness but to THE MOTIVATOR FOR FAITHFULNESS. Why should we be faithful? I have already said you don’t have any character if you aren’t faithful. You can’t be counted on. But have you ever thought about God’s faithfulness? Think about so many areas God is faithful in. For example, in 1st John 1:9 "if we confess our sins, he is what?" Just what if we could not count on God being faithful? What if we just wondered, if God has forgiven sins I confessed and ask Him to? But we know God is faithful and can be counted on. Some of you will say, well I am not God. Well, when we are making our excuses don’t tell Him you aren’t God. That might catch Him by surprise Him and throw Him off balance.