
Summary: This is the 218th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 3rd sermon from 2 Timothy.

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Series: Action [#218]


2 Timothy 2:1-13


In the headline of the 2004 Washington Post, it said “Matt Emmons of the United States shoots at wrong target, finishes eighth”. Matthew Emmons was an elite athlete- He had been on the University of Alaska Rifle Team for 4 years. In the 2004 Olympic Games, with 1 bullet left to shoot, all Emmons needed was a score of 7.2 to win the gold medal. He took careful aim, fired and successfully hit the bull's eye. However, Emmons aimed at the wrong target. Standing in lane 2, he fired at the target in lane 3- resulting in a score of 0. His opportunity to win Gold was wasted. Emmons later explained that he was just too focused on staying calm. It doesn't matter how accurate you are if you are aiming at the wrong target.

2 Timothy 2:1-2


1. Grace.

Paul starts this passage by telling Timothy- “Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus”. Paul wasn’t telling him to aim for willpower; but to find the strength that comes from God’s grace. Grace is getting something you do not deserve.

Grace is a…

* Source of strength.

In your daily walk as a Christian, you often face trials and tribulations that can leave you feeling weak and inadequate. However, Paul reminds us that it is not in our own strength that we find endurance but in the grace of Jesus. Are you allowing God’s grace to be your foundation? When you face difficulties- Personal struggles, workplace challenges, or the weight of expectations- Remember that His grace is sufficient. It empowers us to rise above circumstances and fulfill our calling faithfully.

Grace is a…

* Call to disciple.

Paul emphasizes the importance of passing on this grace. He urges Timothy to entrust what he has learned to reliable people who can teach others. In your journey of faith, it is important that you not only receive grace but also extend it to others. Discipleship is about creating a ripple effect of grace in our communities. Who are the individuals in your life that you can mentor, support, and guide? Who needs to hear about the unending grace of God?

2 Timothy 2:3-7


2. Endurance.

Next, Paul gives us 3 examples to illustrate the importance of enduring hardship as followers of Christ.

* The Soldier.

“Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.” Soldiers are trained to face challenges, to endure hardships for the sake of a greater mission. They do not get entangled in civilian affairs but focus on pleasing their commanding officer. As Christians, we have been called to a mission that often requires sacrifice and perseverance. What distractions do we allow to hinder our mission? Are we so caught up in the affairs of this world that we forget our primary allegiance to Christ?

* The Athlete.

“Anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor's crown except by competing according to the rules.” The Christian life is often likened to a race, one that requires discipline, focus, and adherence to God’s Word. Are we diligently training ourselves in spiritual disciplines, allowing the Holy Spirit to strengthen us? The reward for faithfulness is not just in this life but in the eternal crown that awaits us.

* The Farmer.

“The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops.” Farming takes patience, hard labor, and an expectation of eventual harvest. In cultivating our faith and serving others, we must remember that the harvest may not come immediately. Are you willing to persevere, trusting that God will bring forth fruit in His timing, even when you cannot see it?

2 Timothy 2:8-10


3. Faith.

The next part of this passage calls us to remember the central truth of our faith- “Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David.” This remembrance is not merely to recall facts; it’s an invitation to reflect on the implications of our faith. Jesus, who was resurrected, offers us hope, assurance, and strength in our darkest moments.

Faith finds…

* Hope in suffering.

As Paul speaks of his own suffering for the Gospel, he declares that though he may be chained, God’s Word is not chained. In our lives, we may find ourselves feeling imprisoned by circumstances, but we must hold onto the truth that God’s Word is powerful, liberating, and ever-present. It transforms lives and transcends our limitations.

Faith finds…

* A challenge to persevere.

Paul endured suffering for the sake of the elect, knowing that others would come to salvation through Christ. Likewise, we are called to endure for the sake of others. Who in our lives needs to see our faith in action, especially during tough times? Our perseverance can serve as a witness to the transformative power of Christ.

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