Faithful But Frustrated
Contributed by Elder Tye Cowans on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: When you are faithful but frustrated
In every believers… life a period of frustration will come…if you haven’t experienced it….yet... just keep on living…… For the time will come …….when you will feel…… as though …..all you do.…and all you try to do…. Don’t amount to a hill of beans…...You may feel…. that there isn’t anything…….working out right…or anything working in your favor….and from time to time…….you feel….that you’ve failed your family…..that you‘ve a failed in your community……and that most things you’ve done in life …..aint worth kicking…….. out of the river…yes sir….life will…….. make you ….feel that way…and ….Things get so bad…. That you start asking ….some questions……yeah..?questions?… that I’m sure….most of us in here today….has at least thought about……you know questions like….Why is it….. that the drug dealer….. can have the best cars,….fine homes….…and money to burn and throw out the window…why is it that these rappers and movie stars….live like kings and queens..….questions like…. why is it that people……who have no regard for holiness….. and no respect for GOD…people that are …living ….any kind of way…...you know…..drinking and smoking….snorting….and shooting up……living like Sodom and Gomorrah…..was still alive….why is it …..that unbelievers seem to have …..such good health ……it seems like…sometimes…..folk in the world….are not even….. plagued …….with the common cold…….
and you‘ve been faithful….. in your home…faithful…at your job….in your community….with your family members…even….in the church…..and here you are living out of the mouth…of God seemingly,… and haven’t a thing to show for it?…you say….here I am….. making sacrifices for the sake of salvation…..and you‘re striving….. to walk that straight and narrow….and it seems like trouble ……don‘t know nobody‘s address…..but yours….…it just make you ….a little frustrated…..have I got a little help in here today?..…
Well, Saints….of GOD……I need to tell you…… if you will read the 73rd Psalm …in it’s entirety…you’ll find your answer…to theses questions… …yes sir…. You will find that ……these statements….are not….only used by you and I ……to express our emotions……but were also used by David…Here David said …..in Verses 3 and 5 "I was envious…. at the foolish,….when I saw the prosperity of ….the wicked"…..he said…. "They are not in trouble ……as other men; ……neither are they plagued …..like other men"……. Keep in mind now;…. this is the one ……that God said……was a man….. after His own heart……Now if David …can say….. what he said about the foolish….and the wicked,….. surely you and I …will have questions …..regarding the same……. David said in (Verse 16) "that….. when I thought to know this……it was too painful for me"…it gave David a painful headache….. to even think about how the wicked would prosper….and today….I raise the question……Why do faithful believers suffer?…Why do the faithful go through….… So often we get frustrated,……down and even depressed …….when God allows us …..to go through a tough situation……We grow weary…….because of financial needs…..we get depressed….. at the diagnosis of a disease,……we lose heart ….in the lost or death ….of a family member…. problems of life……make us weary…. in our well doing…., and this is when we start questioning God……
The cares of this life……seem to be…too much. …and and …We sometimes…even think about giving up.…..I know….. I’m not the only one ….who’s contemplated giving up……yeah yeah yeah…..We start questioning …..our faith….. We start questioning everything….why me…..God……Why did I get laid off…..why me GOD…Why did my child… get in trouble….why me GOD…why did my….husband or wife…leave…why me GOD….why did my number get picked….WHY ME!!!!….but let me share something with you….precious heart….faithfulness in God……does not guarantee freedom from……. trouble, pain and suffering.…….
In fact, Jesus taught…. that we are to expect….trouble, pain and suffering….there in (John 16:1-4...Jesus said…..1These things have I spoken unto you, …….that ye should not….. be offended…….he said there in the 2nd verse…They shall put you….. out of the synagogues…..: yea, the time cometh, ….that whosoever killeth you….. will think that he doeth God service……..And these things…. will they do…. unto you, …..because they have not…. known the Father, nor me. ……..But these things have I told you,…Jesus says..… that when the time shall come, …….ye may remember …..that I told…. you of them…….and I think I need to let you know….. that while you are faithful but frustrated…and how you feel right now ….you aren‘t alone in your fight…nor alone in your fellings…..for .Job,…. Joseph, David,….. Jeremiah and Paul ……are just a few godly …..people who experienced…….a significant amount of suffering and frustrations…....
So again…… I ask….why does God allow….. faithful believers to suffer?…WHY does GOD allow……. his believers to go experience trials…..and hard times….Well I’m glad you asked….. He allows us to go through … so we will grow spiritually……. God has allowed suffering….to get people to…. depend on him ……for their needs to be met……I can hear my Grandmother saying …..you don’t appreciate the sun……until it rains for 40 days and 40 nights..…JUST ask NOAH…... and today…Whether you need salvation,…..healing, …..deliverance, ……food, clothing,…. shelter, or a friend...,I wanna tell you that God can supply….. all of your needs according to His riches in glory……