
Faith: The Substance Hoped For

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 1, 2023
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Explores the transformative power of God's grace, His love in our salvation, and our spiritual growth through faith in Him.


Good morning, beloved family of God. It's a joy to be gathered here together, united by our shared faith, standing on the solid rock of our salvation. We're here to unwrap the divine mystery of our faith, to bask in the warmth of God's love, and to grow together in our understanding of His word.

In the world outside these walls, we are bombarded by messages of self-reliance and self-improvement. We are told that we must earn our worth, that our value is dependent on our achievements. But in this sacred space, we are reminded of a different truth. A truth that is not dependent on our efforts or our worthiness, but on the boundless, unchanging love of our Creator.

The Gift of God

In the passage from Ephesians, we are reminded of the profound truth that our salvation is not something we can earn or achieve. It is a gift, freely given by God out of His boundless love and mercy. This gift is grace. It is the unmerited favor of God, the divine assistance given to us for our regeneration and sanctification.

Who we were: We were once dead in our trespasses and sins, living according to the desires of our flesh and mind. We were children of wrath, just like the rest of mankind. But God, in His rich mercy, made us alive together with Christ. This is the essence of grace. It is God reaching out to us in our sin and rebellion, breathing life into our spiritual deadness, and drawing us into a relationship with Him.

It’s not dependent on us: It is not about what we do or who we are. It is about who God is and what He has done. He is the one who is rich in mercy. He is the one who loved us with such great love. He is the one who made us alive together with Christ. And He is the one who raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavenly places.

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It’s for our daily walk with God: It is the fuel that powers our spiritual growth and transformation. It is the source of our strength, our hope, and our joy. It is the wellspring of our love, our peace, and our contentment. It is the foundation of our faith, our service, and our witness.

Not a license to sin: It is not an excuse to live a life of disobedience and rebellion. It is a call to a life of holiness and righteousness. It is a call to live as God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works. It is a call to walk in the paths that God has prepared for us, to live out the purpose that He has planned for us.

Not a one-size-fits-all solution: It is not a cookie-cutter approach to spiritual growth. It is a personalized, tailor-made plan for each of us. It is a unique, individualized journey of faith and transformation. It is a specific, customized blueprint for our spiritual development and maturity.

Not a static, stagnant reality: It is a dynamic, growing experience. It is a living, breathing relationship with God. It is a vibrant, thriving communion with the Creator of the universe. It is a constant, ongoing encounter with the divine.

God's Love in Salvation

As we continue to reflect on the words of Apostle Paul, we find ourselves standing at the foot of an immense mountain of divine love ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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