Faith Of A Mother In The Face Of A Struggle
Contributed by Billy Ricks on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The family today is in desperate need for parents with faith that can face the struggles of uncertainty, unkindness, and ungodlyness. In Hannah we get a glowing example of a mother that faced her struggles with faith.
Intro: Bill
Most of the scholars that you read will look over Hannah and move straight to the last judge of Israel. His name is Samuel in Hebrew means heard of God or God hears. But you cannot bypass one of the most important reasons that Samuel had the relationship with God that he had. Hannah was instrumental in the formation of Samuel’s spiritual life. What an awesome example for us today when it seems the examples of Godly surrender and service are so few. Be encouraged she lived in the time at the end of judges which we are told Judges 21.25 “At that time there was no king in Israel. People did whatever they felt like doing.” Message
I. Hannah’s struggles
A) Issues – what she was against (Bill reading passage and introducing issues)
1) Barren (1-5)
Bill: Social and historical issues
Tina: Emotional issues
Bill: There are barren times in our lives sometimes physically, emotionally, mentally or most especially spiritually. How do you deal with these times?
2) Rivalry in the family (6-7)
Bill: Social and historical issues. God records the reality of polygamy or the practice of having multiple wives. However because he allowed it to be recorded doesn’t mean that God approved it. Genesis is clear one wife for life. When we follow cultural or society codes of ethics we are asking for division and rivalry.
3) Insensitive husband (8)
Tina: Introduces (laughter)
Bill: For the guys: Trying to fix the struggles your wife or the woman in your life faces is not ministry. Personally and biblically seeking to understand what the woman your life faces and standing with her is ministry.
1 Peter 3.7 “In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God’s gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered.” NLT
B) Solutions – What did she do about it (Tina)
1) She faced it with prayer (Tina)
• She went to God (1.9-10) (Tina) No one answering the phone. Women want to talk it out and talk it through. Working it out in our minds by talking through it.
• Intense specific prayer (1.11)(Bill)
• She had no concern for what others thought around her (1.12-16) (Bill)
Many want to exercise their freedom instead of surrendering to God’s will. We don’t just do prayer or worship what we want to do we do what Christ leads us to do. So if it lines up with God’s revealed will in Hi word, Christ’s character then it doesn’t matter what others think.
2) She fought it with action (Tina)
• She got up and acted on the promise (1.17-18) (Tina)
• She became joyful (1.17-18) (Tina)
• She went home and slept with her husband (1.19-20) (Tina)
o Barrenness removed
II. Hannah’s Success (1.21-28) (Bill)
A) Dedication (Bill)
1) Giving herself to God
2) Giving her son to God
3) God kept His end of the deal
4) Hannah kept her end of the deal
a) Weaned the boy
b) Trained the boy (1.28) (Tina) “and he worshipped the Lord there.”
c) Turned over the boy
B) Exaltation – Prayer of thankfulness (2.1-10)
Hannah prayed: I’m bursting with God-news! I’m walking on air. I’m laughing at my rivals. I’m dancing my salvation. Nothing and no one is holy like God, no rock mountain like our God.
Don’t dare talk pretentiously— not a word of boasting, ever! For God knows what’s going on.
He takes the measure of everything that happens. The weapons of the strong are smashed to pieces, while the weak are infused with fresh strength. The well-fed are out begging in the streets for crusts, while the hungry are getting second helpings. The barren woman has a houseful of children, while the mother of many is bereft. 6-10 God brings death and God brings life, brings down to the grave and raises up. God brings poverty and God brings wealth;
he lowers, he also lifts up. He puts poor people on their feet again; he rekindles burned-out lives with fresh hope, Restoring dignity and respect to their lives— a place in the sun!
For the very structures of earth are God’s; he has laid out his operations on a firm foundation.
He protectively cares for his faithful friends, step by step, but leaves the wicked to stumble in the dark. No one makes it in this life by sheer muscle! God’s enemies will be blasted out of the sky, crashed in a heap and burned. God will set things right all over the earth, he’ll give strength to his king, he’ll set his anointed on top of the world! (The Message)