Faith In Healing
Contributed by Richard Hosea on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Tell the story of the healing of Jairus' daughter and the healing of the woman with an issue of blood
Faith in Healing
This story based on Mark 5:21-43
Simmons Loop Baptist Church 2-14-2010 pm
Once when Jesus was teaching and healing on the banks of the Sea of Galilee, He told his disciples that they were going to the other side. Upon reaching the west side of the lake at Capernaum a large crowd of people met him obviously looking for healing. While he was beginning to teach them a very important man cane running up to Jesus, his name was Jairus a ruler in the synagogue. He came bowing down to Jesus begging him to come to his house to heal his daughter. Jairus’ daughter was 12 years old and was suffering with some malady that brought her to point of death. Jesus agreed to go home with Jairus. As they were walking down the crowded streets of Capernaum people were pushing in on all sides. It’s hard for us to imagine the scene. If you saw the pictures of Bourbon Street in N.O. after the super bowl you can get a feel for the crowded streets of Capernaum. There was no way that a person could walk down that street without being touched. There was a woman in the crowd who had been ill for 12 years. She had heard that Jesus could heal people, she thought to herself If I can just reach out and touch him I know that I can be healed. How shall I touch him? Shall I try to touch his hand? No, no that would be too familiar. Shall I try to touch him on the head? No, no that would be disrespectful. In fact if I touch him at all in this public place it would be improper for a woman to touch a man in public. But maybe as he passes I can just reach out touch the hem of his robe? Here he comes closer and closer can I reach him? He is about to pass and with one grasp of faith she touched his robe. Jesus stopped and turned around and said “Who touched me?” The disciples said are you kidding? With this crowd it would be hard not to be touched. Jesus said “Someone touched me for power has gone from me.” At that point his eyes met the eyes of the woman. She came trembling and told him her story. Jesus with that sweet soft voice said, "My daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your trouble."
At that they continued their journey to the home of Jairus. But some messengers came and told Jairus that his daughter had died and should not trouble the master any more. Jesus overheard their conversation and told Jairus to have faith and be not afraid. Jesus did not let anyone go with him except Peter, James, and John. When they got to Jairus’ house Jesus found quite a scene. Mourners had come and all were making the wailing noises of mourners. Jesus said, “Why are you crying and wailing the little girl is not dead but she is only sleeping.” With that they begin to laugh and they laughed him to scorn. We know a dead person when we see on and the girl is dead. Jesus sent them away and only allowed Peter, James, and John along with the girls parents to stay in the house.
Jesus walked over to the bed where the little girl lay, he took her by the hand and said, “Little girl, I tell you to get up.” She got up and started walking around. Jesus said, “Give her something to eat.” Can you imagine the joy that flooded that house that day? I would think that Jairus would have become a staunch follower of Jesus that day.
As Mark tells this story there are two stories in one.
Two people were in desperate need.
Two people who had faith in Jesus.
Two people who came to Jesus as a last resort.
There are several lessons to be learned from this story.
A. The first thing is if you want know the power of Jesus you must have faith
1. He told Jairus to have faith that his daughter would live
2. He told the woman that her faith had healed her.
3. On many occasions Jesus told people to have faith
Now faith is the substance (something we can hold) of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen Heb.11:1
4. Faith is the most important thing in our relationship to Jesus.
5. Faith assures us of eternal life.
6. We must have faith to know eternal life.
B. When we are desperate when all else fails, Jesus is there with the answer
1. The woman was at the end of her hope.