
Summary: This is part II from a message on understanding and identifying our faith in Jesus.

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Sunday, September 1st 2002

Grace Christian Center


Text: Luke 17:5-10

Worship, Walk, Work the result will be – obedience out of adoration for the Lord!

The result of the faith that we talked about last week was found in Abraham. Complete and total obedience to what “THE MASTER” told him to do. Romans 1:5 refers to this as “obedience that comes from faith.


I understand that it takes faith for salvation: Ephesians 2:8,9

I understand that we are justified by faith: Romans 5:1

I understand that it takes faith to live and lead a fruitful life: Habakkuk 2:4

I understand that we walk by faith not by sight: 2nd Corinthians 5:7

I understand that it takes faith to please God: Hebrews 11:6

I understand that it is by faith that we stand firm: 2nd Corinthians 1:24

I understand that faith is a manifestational gift of the Holy Spirit: 1st Corinthians 12:9

I understand that faith comes by hearing and by hearing the Word of God: Romans 10:17

So I hope that you all understand that I understand how important faith is. I realize that it is the essence of Christianity. But I also understand that many Christians do not have the right perspective or knowledge about what faith really is. The Bible says “my people perish for a lack of knowledge” not faith. Hosea 4:6

Being a Pentecostal church believing in the gifts and the power of God we often get caught up in the mindset of “if by faith I can name it, then I can claim it.” ANYBODY? Just blab it and grab it. If we can wease it we can cease it.

I am suggesting that it doesn’t matter what we say that is going to get things done.

We hear about it and talk about it but do we really understand what we are saying. God doesn’t require great faith in order to serve Him. You heard me correctly – serving God shouldn’t and doesn’t require great faith. The text said that it only takes the faith the size of a mustard seed and the impossible can come to pass in your life – that explains faith is limitless and the focus is no longer about faith, but about doing what God has already told you to do.

V Sing in the choir

V Teach a Sunday School class

V Lead a small group

V Step into a position of leadership

V Get involved more

V Tithe and give regularly

Whatever you know God is asking you to do – You had better get those thoughts of kickin back for a while and take your towel and serve your master. Now is not the time to get complacent, for the hour is late, the bubble bath can wait, there will always be entertainment, things to occupy our time, but God is saying to us that the end of all things is drawing near, and for those of you in here this morning who do not know for sure about your eternity, get that settled. The Bible says that today is the day of salvation. Don’t put of till tomorrow what needs to be done today, rekindle those passions, desires – O God would you put a holy unsatisfaction in us a restlessness that can only be bridled by your love, your presence, your anointing, you rself!!!!!!!!

Luke 17:5 The cry of the disciples is to increase our faith.

Are we under the same assumption that if God asks us to do something or better yet that if He gives us a command that we will need more faith to do whatever it is he asks. Let me illustrate:

V When God told Noah to build the ark – Noah didn’t have faith in the ark, he had faith in the One who told him to build the ark.

V Moses didn’t have faith in the stick in his hand – He had faith in the One who told him to take that stick, stretch it out over the Red Sea so that a few Israelites could cross over on dry land.

V David didn’t have faith in the rock or the sling shot - he had faith in the One who told him that if I be for you who can be against you. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.

V Peter didn’t have faith in the water, his sandals, or his water walking ability - he had faith solely in the One who told him to come. By the way, don’t worry about what the other people in the boat are doing the call might not go out to them, you are the one responsible to obey the command and call of God!

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