Faith Deals With The Enemy Lesson 7 Series
Contributed by Elmer Towns on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: See God and hear God to serve God
1. Moses has been CALLED to be a servant of God, COMMISSIONED with a task to deliver God’s people and EMPOWERED with signs, the rod of God.
2. After 40 years of long dark isolation, Moses failed before succeeding. “Burdens increased” (Ch. 5). “Moses was eighty years old” (Ex. 7:7).
3. God’s people rejected Moses (they went around him to Pharaoh).
4. God’s recommission, “I will bring you out (hope) . . . I will rid you (rest) . . . I will redeem you (salvation) . . . I will take you to me (presence) . . . I will bring you into the land (deliverance) . . . I will give you (prosperity)” (v. 6-8).
5. A bracket before and after, God’s promise, “I am the LORD” (v. 6, 8).
6. Two terms: God’s vision and God’s voice. You must see God and hear God before you can serve God.
1. Pharaoh asks for Moses’ authority, “Show a miracle for yourself” (7:8).
2. The authoritative sign; Moses’ rod becomes a serpent. “Aaron cast down his rod . . . became a serpent” (7:10). God loves symbols.
3. How did the magicians do it? “The magicians. . . . every man threw down his rod . . . became serpents” (7:11). Even Satan’s symbols obey God’s symbols.
a. Sleight of hand.
b. Satanic power. “He performs great signs” (Rev. 13:13).
4. What are idols? “Paul asked, ‘Is an idol anything?’” (1 Cor. 8:19, ELT). “The thing which . . . they sacrifice to demons” (1 Cor. 8:20).
5. Why is idolatry number one on God’s hated list? People worship the spirit or power represented by an idol, i.e., they worship demons.
6. Plagues 1-4 answered Pharaoh’s question. “Who is the Lord?” (5:2). “Why should I obey Him?” (5:2). Each plague challenges Egypt’s symbols of Deity. The Lord is the God of nature.
a. The Nile River becomes blood, they worshipped the river.
b. The frogs, goddess of fertility.
c. Lice challenged their cleanliness.
d. Flies/beetles, emblem of the sun god.
7. The purpose of each plague, to declare God’s nature and authority. Not only Pharaoh, but every Egyptian to know and feel the judgment of God.
1. Pharaoh rejected the light given him, i.e., miracles. “Pharaoh’s heart grew hard” (7:13).
2. God knew Pharaoh would reject, so God predicted, “I will harden Pharaoh’s heart or multiply my signs . . . and the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord?” (7:3-5).
3. Don’t compare Pharaoh to the average non believer; Pharaoh hated God and was God’s enemy.
4. The purpose is God’s glory. “For this very purpose, I have raised you (Pharaoh) up, that I may shew My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth” (Rom. 9:17).
5. Can we complain? “Who are you to criticize God? Should the thing made say to the one who made it, ‘Why have you made me like this?’ When a man makes a jar out of clay, doesn’t he have a right to use the same lump of clay to make one jar beautiful, to be used for holding flowers, and other to throw garbage into?” (Rom. 9:2021, LB).
1. At the convergence where God of eternity meets god of Egypt, “Go to Pharaoh . . . when he goes to the water.”
2. Since Pharaoh rejected God this time there was no opportunity to believe and receive. “Until now you would not hear . . . I will strike the waters . . . they shall be turned to blood” (7:16-17).
3. God still use a human instrument. “I will strike the waters” (7:17). Electricity needs wire to conduct its power.
a. Pharaoh gone for absolution, i.e., cleansing.
b. Magicians duplicate the miracle, (7:22) so Pharaoh’s heart could be hardened.
c. Dug surface wells for brackish water.
d. Lasted a week (7:25), to flow to sea.
e. Water healed naturally.
a. Came while water was still blood, natural results but supernatural abundance.
b. Magicians duplicated, natural.
c. Pharaoh’s first surrender, “Entreat the Lord that He may take away the frogs” (8:8).
d. Magicians could not take away frogs, Satan never alleviates the suffering of people, but he accelerates it.
a. Egyptians were fetish about cleanliness; lice brought dirt, sweat, discomfort.
b. Magicians couldn’t duplicate. “The finger of God” (7:19).
c. In the face of credible witness, “Pharaoh’s heart grew hard” (7:19).
a. A particular beetle, i.e., their symbol of the sun god.
b. Egypt’s most powerful deity turned against them.
c. God protected His own. “No swarms of flies shall be (in Goshen) there” (8:22).