
Summary: Fear come to contradict the very words of God, we must have the eyes of Faith to identify the weapon the enemy uses, which is contradition.

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I want to share with us today what I title contradiction and fear, I believe we must understand and grasp the concept of this very subject. Because it affects our prayer, it affects the result we expect from praying and fasting, believing God for a miracle or breakthrough which causes our believe level or faith level to drop, which in turn causes us to believe that God is not hearing our prayer.

I believe, we are not praying according to the standard or the principles lay down by God’s word. I truly believe we serve a God, who is the originator of things done the prescribe way.

You see when you get a prescription from your Doctor, you take it to the pharmacy and the pharmacist then transcribe the Doctor order by documenting the instructions on how and when the medication should be taken and also the consequence for not following the order as prescribe by the Doctor.

The word and promises of God comes with order that are broken down into instructions that must be transcribe into our daily dealings in order to obtain the promises and prophesies that are spoken into our lives.

The promises of God contain instructions and direction that need to be followed and we often times don’t follow the direction and instruction that are lay down in the scripture, when we fail to yield and hear the voice behind the promises and prophesies that are spoken over our lives. We expect God to move, and if God is not moving is as a result of us not following the lay down instruction and direction behind the promises.

OPEN with me to the Book of 2 Tim 1.7 says… Amp… For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. NKJV…For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Define Timidity…

Lacking in self-assurance, courage, or bravery; easily alarmed; timorous; shy.

indicating fear: a timid approach to a problem.

1. Power… God’s ability endowed into man to get result

It’s the ability of God in us that produces result nothing of ourselves, but God’s power in us produces result.

A lot of times we pray to God to bless us with a blessing and stuff, you see am here to let you know that, if you don’t take time to follow the instruction behind that promise you can’t birthed the promise, because God promise is anchor on following the exact order of things done God’s way for the promise to be birthed into you.

God power is release unto us, if we follow the instruction and direction of what God is asking us to do. When that power is release, it gives us the ability to get that promise.

2. God has given us the spirit of Love that means the ability to love what is not loveable.

3. God has given us the spirit of calm mind, that means, a mind that is free fear, bondage, restlessness and torment. We must always carry and maintain the spirit of a sound mind which in turn will help us to overcome the waves of distractions and trials of life.

So 2 Tim 1.7 is talking about calmness, peace, and sound mind, the ability to be at peace, the ability to be calm in all trials.

God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of Love, Power and Sound Mind and the ability to love what is not loveable.

So fear is Satan Faith x2

Every time God sent his Angel, Angel comes with comforting news, WHICH SAYS FEAR NOT. Thou shall not afraid.

If God is saying, fear not, we have no business to be afraid. You see the fear area is one avenue the enemy has gain entrance or access into our lives to dilute our faith in our work with our God.

Fear is Satan faith to cause manifestation that makes the word and promises of God of no effect in our lives.

Now let us deal with the root cause of fear.

The spirit of fear came and originated from Satan himself, because God has not given us the spirit of fear, but love, power and sound mind.




Crisis doesn’t announces the date and time it will come, but it comes as the wave of the sea to overwhelm us, but God is saying that, you have the ability, you have the power and the peace to glide over them, because you are a champion, you are an over comer.

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