
Fail More: Embracing Love and Overcoming Fear

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Aug 27, 2024
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We shouldn't be afraid of failing as we follow Jesus on his way of love. Our life is about loving others, not seeking success or recognition for ourselves. We should take risks, love boldly, and not let the fear of failure stop us. Love never fails.

Fail More: Embracing Love and Overcoming Fear

Youth Group Plan: Fail More: Embracing Love and Overcoming Fear (Ephesians 5:15-20, 1 Corinthians 13:8)

Youth Sermon: Fail More: Embracing Love and Overcoming Fear

Understanding God's Will

Hey guys! Today, we're diving into the book of Ephesians, specifically Ephesians 5:15-20. We're learning about walking in love, just like Jesus did. But here's the thing, walking in love isn't always easy, and sometimes we might mess up. But that's okay. In fact, today's message is all about how it's okay to fail.

You know how when you're learning to ride a bike, you fall off a bunch of times before you get the hang of it? Or when you're playing a video game, you lose a bunch of times before you figure out the strategy? That's what we're talking about today.

Today's message is all about how it's okay to fail.

Making the Most of Every Opportunity

Verse 17 tells us to 'understand what the Lord's will is.' That doesn't mean we need to know every single detail of God's plan. It's like when you're playing a video game, you don't need to know every single move you're going to make before you start playing. You just need to know the basics, and then you figure it out as you go along.

Ephesians tells us to 'be very careful... making the most of every opportunity' (5:15-16). Every day is a chance to do good, to grow, and to share God's love with others. It's like when you're playing a game, every move is a chance to get closer to winning.

Bringing it Home

Think about a time when you were afraid to fail. Maybe it was trying out for a sports team, asking someone out, or taking a test. How did that fear hold you back? What could you have done differently if you weren't afraid to fail?

Remember, God doesn't expect us to be perfect. He just wants us to try our best and to keep going, even when we mess up. So, don't be afraid to take risks and to love boldly. The more we fail, the more we learn and grow. And remember, love never fails.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. What are you hesitating about because you're afraid of failing?

2. Is there an area in your life where you sense God calling you to move forward in faith, even though you don't have all the details?

3. Do you see God as a demanding tyrant or a loving Father?

4. How can you speak life, love, and courage into others? Who can you encourage this week?

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Icebreaker: Travel Baggage

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