
Summary: The Jews crossed Jordan into the Promised Land. The Jews looked at the Promised Land with swollen, turbulent Jordan in front of them.

Facing our jordan

Joshua 3:5

The Jews crossed Jordan into the Promised Land. The Jews looked at the Promised Land with swollen, turbulent Jordan in front of them.

I. We Are Facing Jordans

A. In our personal lives: lack of great spiritual power.

B. In our homes: unsaved, unenlisted members of our families.

C. In our churches: unconsecrated, world_serving members.

D. In our communities: unsaved, unenlisted, unconcerned men and women.

II. Up Yonder is the Promised Land Flowing With Milk and Honey

A. Our lives must be filled with the Holy Spirit; we must be effective and efficient in the service of Jesus Christ.

B. Our homes must be citadels of truth, of virtue, of religious light; our family altars must be maintained.

C. Our churches must hold the banner of the Cross aloft above the sin and corruption of a lost world; every member must be in his place.

D. Our communities must be won for Christ; souls must be saved and added to the Church. Religion must crowd out pleasure and sin.

III. God Alone Can Split the Waters of Jordan so That We May Cross

A. He has done it in times past (for example, Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Samuel, Paul and Silas, Peter, Wesley, Whitefield, Moody).

B. He can do it again. The Word is to warn, to test, to guide, to inspire. The blood is to redeem, to cleanse, to save. The Holy Spirit is to guide, to instruct, to make effective.

C. He will do it again. He has promised to do so (II Chron. 7:14; Jer. 33:3). He will do it for us.

IV. Let Us Clear the Way for God

A. "To sanctify" means "to search out," "to put away," "to take up."

B. All of us must clear the way for God in our homes, in our churches, in our communities.

C. Let us do it now, exposing our souls to the white light of God’s holiness, crying for grace to put away the evil thing from among us, asking for power to take up and bear our crosses.

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