Face It! Series
Contributed by Perry Greene on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: What does the bible mean by "setting one's face"?
One of the most exciting things about going on a trip is the planning. When you’ll go, the route you’ll take, who you’ll visit, the places you will go to eat, and all the other fun things you’ll do during your trip.
A man went on a trip to Israel. He was about to enter the famous and impressive Mann Auditorium in Tel Aviv to take in a concert by the famed Israel Philharmonic. The man stood, admiring the unique architecture, the sweeping lines of the entrance, and the modern decor throughout the building. Finally, he turned to the Israeli tour guide and asked if the building was named for Thomas Mann, the world-famous author.
“No” the tour guide responded, “It’s named for Fredric Mann, from Philadelphia.”
“Really? I never heard of him. What did he write?" asked the tourist.
“A check,” said the tour guide.
Jesus determined to go to Jerusalem – his time had come;
This would not be a pleasure trip, it would be purely business
Yeshua incorporates the “face” in his journey – Luke 9.51-56
Hebrew has many idioms with various body parts – head; hands; feet; etc.
English also uses the body parts for idioms: “Lend an ear”; “keep an eye out”; “lend a hand”;
I. Face Jerusalem
“Face” is incorporated in many Hebrew idioms:
• Hagar fled from face of Sarai Genesis 16.6, 8
• Jacob fled from the “face” of Esau – Genesis 35.1, 7
• Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh – Exodus 2.15
• Moses hid his face in fear – Exodus 3.6
• God can hide his face in anger – Deuteronomy 31.17-18; Jeremiah 33.5
• God sets his face against idolaters – Leviticus 20.3, 5, 6
• He can make his face shine upon (deal kindly with)someone – Numbers 6.25; Psalm 31.16
22The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 23"Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, Thus you shall bless the people of Israel: you shall say to them,
24The LORD bless you and keep you; 25the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; 26the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
27 "So shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them." Numbers 6.22-27
• He can turn his face away – 2 Chronicles 30.9
• God’s face – walked with the Hebrews – Exodus 33.15 (also used in Luke 9.53)
• “Angel of his face” is used of the “Angel of the Lord” – Isaiah 63.9
o English translates “Angel of his presence”
o “His Face” = The Lord
• Table of Showbread – Exodus 25.30; 1 Kings 7.48
o Bread of Presence
o Bread of the Face
o Table of the Face – Numbers 4.7
Yeshua set his face (Luke 9.51) = turn in the direction of
Also in 2 Kings 12.17; Daniel 11.17; Genesis 31.21
Some translations give this a more English flavor – NIV – “Jesus resolutely set out”; “He resolutely took the road” (JB); “He proceeded with a fixed purpose” (Weymouth)
Literally in Hebrew this verse would read: “And when the days of his ascension were fulfilled, and he put his face to go to Jerusalem” – In English – “When the time came for him to be taken up to heaven, he was headed for Jerusalem” – When the time came, Yeshua went;
NOT that he had a soul-searching time and then decided to go
II. Headed for Jerusalem In Spite of
A. Rejection (Samaritans)
Mother Teresea
“We have drugs for people with diseases like leprosy. But these drugs do not treat the main problem, the disease of being unwanted. That’s what my sisters hope to provide. The sick and poor suffer even more from rejection than material want. Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.” Yeshua dealt with rejected people – now he was facing it.
1. His previous encounter with the Samaritans was “successful” – John 4
2. This time he is not focused on them and they rejected him
Maybe racial
Maybe expectations
3. Others rejected him -- Luke 11:53-54
B. Misunderstanding (Disciples)
1. Anger and retaliation
Dale Carnegie tells about a visit to Yellowstone Park where he saw a grizzly bear. The huge animal was in the center of a clearing, feeding on some discarded camp food. For several minutes he feasted alone; no other creature dared draw near. After a few moments a skunk walked through the meadow toward the food and took his place next to the grizzly. The bear didn’t object and Carnegie knew why. "The grizzly," he said, "knew the high cost of getting even." [House of God p. 122]
2. Elijah had called fire from heaven
3. They had experienced great power – Luke 9.1-6