
Summary: The Holy Spirit enables us to see clearly through the eyes of God.

Eyeglasses – John 16:7 - 15

Intro: When going on a trip (long or short) we make preparations: we give someone a key to walk through our house to make sure everything is okay, we may put timers on lights so they will come on and go off to make it look like someone is there, we might have someone pick up our mail or have it held at the post office. One of the things I have found helpful when traveling by car is OnStar. It is great you push a button and a live person comes online so you can request directions to your destination. They program the car’s computer and you are given turn by turn directions to the place you want to go.

I VS. 7 – “But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.”

A It is only in the gospel of John that the word Advocate appears. It is legal terminology used in a theological context. The word in GK is pa?a???t?? / parakletos often translated as Advocate / Counselor / Comforter – the literal translation is “One called alongside.

B In other Biblical references the parakletos is referred to as the Holy Spirit. John sees the role of the parakletos/Holy Spirit as speaking the truth of God and Jesus as if they were present.

C The role of the Spirit is to interpret situations and to speak afresh into those situations in ways that are consistent with the identity and mission of Jesus as though he were there.

II The heart of this passage is introduced by Vs. 8 – “When he (the Spirit) comes, he will prove the word to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment;”

A Two items here are related: sin and righteousness. They are often thought of as being opposites. It is important for us to understand these two theological concepts.

B Sin in Gk. is ?µa?t?a / hamartia The secular interpretation is “missing the true goal and scope of life. The Christian interpretation is “an offense in relation to God with emphasis on the resulting guilt. It is not so much a matter of immoral conduct but an action or words that go against the teachings of Jesus.

C The opposite of “sin” is “righteousness.” The GK word is (d??a??s??? / dikaiosune) also has a secular and theological interpretation: Secular = justice / theo. = fulfillment of God’s claims / statements commanded by God. Speaking, doing, and living as God expects.

III VS. 11 “and about judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned.”

A We are often quick to judge. Examples: “Isn’t it awful what we see on TV?” / “Isn’t it awful what is happening in our community?” / “Isn’t it awful what is happening in the world?” / “Isn’t it awful how natural disaster strike/” And the “Isn’t it awful” things continue as we judge.

B The Greek word used here is (???s?? / krisis) roughly translated as a separation / sentence / judgment.

C As Christians, we are assured that grace overcomes sin, the grave is not the last word, and that we are not at the mercy of the Prince of this world. Yet, EVIL WINS WHEN GOOD PEOPLE DO NOTHING. The Spirit / Advocate / Paracletos comes alongside us showing us the way, leading us, and guiding us.

Concl: The Spirit of God is like a good pair of eyeglasses. If they fit comfortably and do their work well, we hardly notice them. They are there, not to be noticed; but to enable US to notice. They are not to be seen, but to be seen THROUGH. When we misplace our glasses, we are troubled because we have not only lost them; but we may not be able to see to find them. The Spirit goes about his work quietly like eyeglasses. Most of the time we don’t even know that they are there, nor do we always notice the work of the Spirit. However, the Spirit is there to guide, lead and allow us to see the world through the eyes of God.

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