
Expressing Gratitude to Our Pastor

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Understanding and expressing our appreciation for our Pastor in a way that aligns with Biblical teachings.


What does the Bible say about our Pastor? In order to understand the role of a Pastor in today's world, we need to approach it from a biblical perspective. Many people have misconceptions about the Pastor's role, referring to them as an "Employee of the Church" or a "Team Manager." However, these titles do not accurately reflect who the Pastor truly is. Let's explore the biblical concept of the Pastor, focusing on King David as an example of a shepherd with a heart for God.

I. The Pastor's Role towards God's People

A. Seeking God's guidance for His people

- David consulted God when faced with challenges and sought His direction (1 Samuel 30:8).

- Just as David trusted in God's wisdom, the Pastor should seek God's guidance for the benefit of the congregation.

B. Bringing God's people into His presence

- David recognized the importance of God's presence among His people and sought to restore it (2 Samuel 6:1-2).

- Similarly, the Pastor should strive to create an atmosphere where God's presence is felt through prayer, fasting, and studying the Bible.

C. Recognizing the potential in individuals

- David saw the good in people, even when others saw only negativity (1 Samuel 22:1-2).

- The Pastor should also look beyond faults and see the potential in individuals, helping them grow and become valuable members of the church.

II. Our Response towards the Pastor

A. Fulfilling the Pastor's desires

- David had a desire for water from a specific well, and his loyal followers risked their lives to fulfill it (1 Chronicles 11:16-19).

- Similarly, we should be attentive to our Pastor's desires and be willing to go the extra mile to fulfill them.

B. Fighting spiritual battles for the Pastor

- David's mighty men protected him in battle, ensuring his safety (2 Samuel 21:16-17).

- We should also stand alongside our Pastor, fighting spiritual battles and providing support when they face challenges.

C. Refusing to tolerate criticism towards the Pastor

- When a man cursed David, one of his loyal followers defended him (2 Samuel 16:5-9).

- We should not allow anyone to speak ill of our Pastor and be ready to defend them against unjust criticism.


In conclusion, let us reflect on our response towards our Pastor. Are we conducting ourselves in accordance with the Word of God? Just as David fulfilled his role as a shepherd and leader, we should appreciate and support our Pastor in a biblical way. By seeking God's guidance, creating an atmosphere of His presence, recognizing the potential in individuals, fulfilling the Pastor's desires, fighting spiritual battles, and defending them against criticism, we can demonstrate our appreciation for our Pastor in a manner that aligns with the teachings of the Bible.

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