
Experiencing God's Magnificence

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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This sermon will help you understand what the glory of God is and how to experience it in your life. Christ in you means from one level of glory to another level of glory. It means experiencing His glory here on earth, to experiencing the greatest dimension of His glory in eternity.


There is a difference between knowledge and experience. You may know about something, but experiencing it firsthand is a whole different level. The same applies to our understanding of the glory of God. It's not enough to have head knowledge; we must personally experience His glory in our lives.

When God declares that this year is the year of His glory, He desires for us to go beyond mere theoretical knowledge and truly encounter His glory. Just as the apostle John emphasized in 1 John 1:1, we need to be able to say, "Our hands have handled" the glory of God. We need to tangibly experience His presence and power.

God's Promise for this Year

1. Mighty Manifestations of His Presence: Just as the temple was filled with God's glory in 2 Chronicles 5:1-14, we can expect powerful encounters with His presence in our homes and gatherings.

2. Special Divine Protection: In Zechariah 2:5, God promises to be a protective wall of fire around us and the glory within us. His glory shields us from unseen dangers and guards our backs.

3. The Power to Turn Things Around: As Jesus told Martha in John 11:39-40, if we believe, we will see the glory of God. Even in seemingly hopeless situations, God's power can bring about miraculous transformations.

4. Miraculous Divine Provision: Just as God provided manna in the wilderness in Exodus 16:2-13, His glory can bring supernatural provision into our lives, even in times of scarcity and financial challenges.

How can we experience the glory of God?

1. Spiritual Reorientation: We must align our thinking and beliefs with God's Word. Despite the darkness and challenges around us, we need to remember that we are chosen, royal, and special in Christ (1 Peter 2:9). God can separate us from the darkness and cover us with His glory.

2. Guarding Our Hearts: Proverbs 4:23 urges us to protect our hearts, for it is where our faith resides. We must be mindful of what strengthens and weakens our faith, avoiding anything that diminishes our trust in God.

3. Willingness to Go the Extra Mile: Just as Jesus intentionally chose certain disciples to experience His glory, we need to be willing to go above and beyond for Him. Those who consistently show dedication and availability are the ones who often encounter His glory.

4. Christ in Us: Colossians 1:27 reminds us that Christ in us is the hope of glory. When Christ dwells within us, He purifies us and fills us with His glory. This assurance of His presence brings light, protection, provision, and transformation into our lives.


Experiencing the glory of God goes beyond head knowledge; it requires personal encounters with His presence and power. As we align our thinking with God's Word, guard our hearts, go the extra mile for Him, and allow Christ to dwell within us, we will witness His glory manifest in our lives. May this year be a time of experiencing the tangible and transformative presence of God's glory.

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