
Summary: We need revival and it has to begin in the house of the Lord with God's people.

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Experiencing God in revival

2 Chronicles 15


Good morning everyone- Glad that you have joined us.

If you have your Bible or Bible app please turn to 2 Chronicles 15 and we will read the text in just a moment.

I try to be careful how I use words because I have been known to mispronounce words or at times use the wrong word. We have had times of laughter as people have shared different experiences over the last 17 years. Zibolskiism’s… as some call them are a list of words used wrong.

One example years ago instead of saying the word mohawk, which is a spiked haircut in the middle of your head and shaved on the side. I said tomahawk and a young lady in church was waiting for me after service with a picture of a person with a tomahawk in their head.

What makes it funny is that they are similar enough that if used wrong they still have a bit of truth. One person pictures one thing and others a different picture.

Communication is hard because we cannot read people’s minds and we assume a lot of times that people are on the same page as we are.

I recently read a poll result by the Barna Group that says between 25-57% of the people in America do not believe that Satan exist. Let that sink in a minute.

You should be flooded with a whole lot of questions you would ask these people.

People you rub shoulders with everyday are people that share very different views than yours.

Do you realize how messed up your theology is that you do not believe that Satan exist!

You do not believe that Adam and Eve fell in the Garden of Eden because it was Satan that tempted them.

You don’t believe that you need a savior (Jesus) because you do not believe sin is a problem and you are not a bad person.

These same people believe that God is a loving God that forgives sins… even sins that you don’t ask forgiveness for.

There are people who believe that a Holy Perfect God WITHOUT SIN would make an exception for them because they are not as bad as some of the other people.

They live life like Jesus died for nothing!

That we don’t have to be in a personal relationship with Jesus, you can do your own thing and on the day of judgment all the warnings will be pushed aside and ALL will go into heaven based upon their own merits and the judgment of God will be balanced on how much good you do or the grace that God has to give you because He is a loving God.

No matter if you are Christian, Buddhist, Islam or nothing at all, even an Atheist who does not even believe in God somehow on the day of judgment will all be in a better place.

They believe the cross of Christ is only one way of many ways to get to heaven- they believe that no matter if you do not believe in Jesus miracles, that He walked this earth, that you don’t believe He went to the cross for your sin, that He was not resurrected Easter morning…They will be in heaven looking down on us and waiting for us. Those who never gave the Lord time in their life.

Those are the lies from the pit of Hell and they smell like smoke!

The sermon title is “Experiencing God in revival”

This country needs Jesus and God’s people need revival- two different things that need to happen.

The word revive is a word made up of two parts- Re-meaning again, and vive meaning life- revive mean to live again. We need the Lord to bring God’s people back to life and we need this country to be born again and experience the grace and mercy and redemptive power of God to work in their lives. YOU CANNOT BE REVIVED IF YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN VIVED!

God has to speak to the lost and bring them into a relationship with Christ and Christ has to do something fresh and new in God’s people and restore back to them the love of the Lord that they had when they were first saved by His grace.

Those that are dead in sin don’t need revival-they need life that comes from being born again.

Revival is returning to spiritual health- that is what the church needs. To restore a right relationship with God. This country who is far from God needs to have a heart change- to ask Jesus into their lives and allow Him to change them from the inside out instead of from the outside in. there are a lot of people who look good and think they have the world by the tail but they have nothing eternal. Everything is temporal and cannot be taken when they die.

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