
Summary: Sermon looks at faith and challenges the church to expect God to be faithful because God is faithful. The church will memorize one verse each week and seek God in faith for changes in their lives. Acknowledgement: Series originally developed by Rick W

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50 Days of Faith - Part 1 of 8 – Sept. 7th, 2008

We’re beginning a new series today called 50 Days of Faith. Have you ever thought ‘how do I get God’s approval?’

Is it by being more good than bad? No. By keeping the Ten Commandments? No. By being religious and going to church? No. The Bible says there’s only one way to get God’s approval. There’s only one way to get God’s smile on your life. In Hebrews 11 it says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” The only way you can get God’s approval is by faith in Jesus Christ, His Son.

Like you, I know some people who do some wonderful things. But the Bible says without faith it’s impossible to please God.

In this series were going on a significant faith journey. I want our church, everyone to be in prayer. Like this, ‘Jesus I am praying in faith for ____________.’ We want to hear your stories, what are you praying for in faith. What do you believe God for? How is God answering your prayers? Each week were going to memorize one verse as a faith community and have sharing and testimonies.

Would you say that faith is an important issue? Yes, it is. It is vital that we learn how to live by faith, both personally and as a church, and to teach the next generation.

So for the next eight weeks, we’re entering into a series called “Fifty Days of Faith.”

Here is my prayer – that the Holy Spirit will stretch my faith, your faith and our faith in this church. That we will see all kinds of amazing things happen in our lives as our faith grows.

How do I get more faith? How do I measure it? The Bible tells us that faith comes by hearing the word of God. The Bible is God’s faith food. The more we get into God’s word, the Bible – the more our faith will develop.

Jesus said “According to your faith it will be done to you Matthew 9:29.” Jesus says faith is a choice. You get to choose how much God blesses your life. “According to your faith it will be done to you.”

If we refuse to believe that God will do something amazing in our lives and our faith community then guess what we will get – nothing.

Our vision is to grow a large area wide church reaching hundreds for Jesus. I believe the Holy Spirit will lead us through our youth and children. Now you know what I am asking God for in faith. Will you pray and watch with me what the Holy Spirit is doing in those areas? What are you trusting God for in faith?

Our faith and obedience will determine how much God uses us in His plan to reach the lost in this area. How? “According to your faith it will be done to you.” God says, “If we have a lot of faith, we’ll get a lot done in our lives and faith community. If we have little faith we will get little done. ‘According to your faith it will be done.’”

So my faith prayer is that the Holy Spirit will reveal to Calvary how he wants to guide us to reach the lost in this area. Faith sees where the Holy Spirit is working and moves over and joins Him in His work.

Faith is the key that unlocks the door to heaven. Faith is the key that breaks down strongholds in our lives. It is critical that we grow, develop, and strengthen our faith.

The next verse, Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith assures us of things we expect.” Circle “things we expect”. If I had to summarize faith: faith believes that God will show us what to do, how to do it, and when to do it.

God is at work here. He is looking for people of faith. He is looking for you. He is calling you. He says ‘I want to reveal my purpose for your life.’ I want to use you to reach this area for Christ. He talks to you. Are you listening?

But here is what happens. Were self-centred and respond ‘I don’t think I am trained. Were not able to do that. We don’t have the resources.’ Do you see what is happening? The focus is on self.

What did Moses say when God called him? ‘Send someone else.’ I have a speech impediment. O Calvary, God already knows that in ourselves we cannot accomplish His vision for this church. But He wants to do it through you (Blackaby).

So expect the best because we serve an amazing God.

Some of you might say, “That’s just being optimistic.” No, it is not. Faith is not positive thinking. Positive thinking is good. I like to be around positive thinking people. What’s the alternative? Negative thinking people.

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Randy Mills

commented on May 1, 2013

Steal Rick warren sermon and publish it under your name???

Randy Hamel

commented on Aug 31, 2013

I did acknowledge that this series was originally developed by Rick Warren if you look at my comments; both here and when I delivered the message. Take care!

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