
Summary: Based on 2 Kings 18:13 & other Scriptures - Reminds hearers that those who live for the Lord & serve Him can expect opposition & should take it to the Lord.

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FBCF – 4/14/24

Jon Daniels

INTRO – Isaac Watts – pastor, theologian in 1700’s. Also hymnwriter – wrote 750 hymns including “Joy to the World”, “O God Our Help in Ages Past, our hope for years to come,” & “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.”

Ian Bennett shared this Isaac Watts devotional w/ me as we were discussing my sermon for today:

“The Christian life requires holy courage. As we become soldiers of Christ & resolve to live in earnest, we must reckon upon opposition & prepare to endure hardness in the practice of our duties. Not only do we meet with difficulties from a degenerate & sinful world, many other trials attend the Christian life…Earth is a stage of conflict…where each of us must act our parts under the eye & notice of God, our supreme governor & final rewarder. He expects that we should put on a sacred hardiness of soul, armed with power & courage, that we may endure to the end.” (Isaac Watts, Works, 1:325-338)

Hezekiah found out, up close & personal, the reality of opposition in the life of someone who is striving to live for the Lord, obeying Him, working for Him, & making changes for the good of His people & for His glory. He found out, as Watts said, that he would need “holy courage…sacred hardiness of soul” … & would need to be “armed w/ power & courage.”

And if you & I desire to live for the Lord – if we desire to obey & serve Him – we, too, can expect to experience opposition & will need that same “holy courage.”

EXPLANATION – 2 Kings 18:13

Sermon series – “A Faithful Life” – Hezekiah, one of the 7 good kings of Judah (remember there were 13 evil ones). Established last week that, in spite of having a wicked father in King Ahaz, there was no one like Hezekiah – 2 Kings 18:5 – “Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel. There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him.” He was a man of faith, a man of action, & a man of courage.

Timeline of events from our Scripture passage today which covers 2 Kings 18:13 all the way through the end of chapter 19:

- About 14 yrs into Hez’s reign, Sennacherib invaded Judah – Captured about 46 major cities & other towns & villages – serious threat – serious opposition.

- Hez tried to appease Senn by paying a tribute to him – equal to about $4.6 million – Didn’t work.

- Senn then sent his heavy-hitters & a massive army to intimidate Hez – v. 17 – NLT – “Commander in Chief, field commander, chief of staff”

- Hez sent out his officials to meet Senn’s henchmen – v. 18

- Senn’s men ridiculed Hez’s faith in God - v. 19-25

- Then they attempted to turn the people against Hez by questioning his faith in God & his leadership among the people, but the people stood firm w/ Hez – v. 28-37

- Hez’s men reported back to him which led to Hez going into a state of mourning & grief over the distressing situation they were in. He then reached out to the prophet Isaiah for counsel, comfort, & prayer. Isaiah gave them this word from God: “Don’t be afraid. I’m going to take care of this.” – 19:1-7

- Senn pulled out of Jerusalem, but sent a final threatening letter to Hez. Hez took the letter, brought it before the Lord in fervent prayer – v. 8-19

- God answered in a powerful way which culminated in Senn’s defeat & death – v. 20-37

That’s a lot to unpack, but it ultimately shows:

APPLICATION – When you are living for the Lord, expect opposition & take it to the Lord.

4 points to consider regarding opposition we face:

FORMS OF OPPOSITION – Senn’s interactions w/ Hez give us insights into some forms that opposition takes:

Attempts to Intimidate – Senn rolled in w/ his posse, his heavy-hitters, & his army attempting to intimidate Hez & force him to surrender. And when Hez gave him the silver & gold, it initially looked like Senn had succeeded.

- It’s hard to stay strong when someone tries to intimidate you w/ their show of strength or influence.

- Had a hard situation in a previous church that I had to deal w/ that involved a longtime church member. I was a young, inexperienced pastor at that time. Had an older man, active in church, taught a men’s SS class, come to my office – “My friends & I have been talking & don’t think you need to do this.” And yet, b/c I had consulted wise counsel from several different people & knew we were going in the right direction, I was able to stand strong & press on in spite of my age & his age, my tenure in the church & his tenure in the church.

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