
Summary: Part 2 of the Exodus Factor.

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Exodus Factor

Why we need an Exodus


Ex 1:8,14

Ex 3:8


At the opening of Exodus we see a dramatic change. Genesis closes with the death of Joseph and the somewhat prosperity of the children of Israel in Egypt.

At the time of his death Joseph was in a place of favor with Pharaoh. But now there is a new king that “doesn’t know Joseph.” – Ex 1:8

About 350 years have passed since Joseph’s death and things are not going well at all. During this time Israel grew in number. They went from about 70 souls (Ex 1:5, 75 Acts 7:14) to about 2 million. The new king was concerned about their large numbers.

Therefore the Egyptians placed on God’s people a heavy burden of labor. “The Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with vigor.” – Ex 1:13

There was now a ruler over the land that did not care about Joseph and therefore did not care about God. God’s people are now suffering because of ungodly leadership.


We see the result of ungodly leadership here in America. Hollywood and liberal politicians rule in America. Supporters of abortion and gay rights make the laws here. Rock stars and drug addicts are the influence in our children’s lives.

I shared with you the story of ‘Politically Incorrect’ the other day. That’s the type of people we pay millions of dollars to give us our kicks. The transcript of that show is posted on the bulletin board if you want to look at it.

Friend you can plug your ears and pretend it’s not happening if you want to, but it doesn’t change the fact. Let’s go a little further.

91% of Americans today list their number one priority in life to be in good health.

30% of Americans believe the main purpose in life is personal fulfillment and enjoyment.

42 million Americans say whatever works in their life is the only truth they know.

18 million Americans say that lying is sometimes necessary.

130 million Americans believe all good people, whether or not Jesus is their savior, will go to heaven.

We have a generation in America today known as the Bridger generation. We have five generations today:

Seniors – born before 1926

Builders – 1927 –1945

Boomer – 1946-1964

Buster (Gen X) – 1965-1976

Bridger – 1977 forward

The Bridger generation is what I want you to notice. This is a generation also called the “daycare generation,” the “latchkey generation,” and the “fatherless generation.”

This is a generation that has been raised by daycare and MTV. The Bridger generation loves South Park and Howard Stern. Bridger’s have been raised from childhood to know about Aids.

We are living in a generation without God.

Ellen Degeneres they know.

Carson Daily they know.

Eminem they know (not the candy)

Snoop dog they know

But they don’t know God.

The God they know is a vague, non-specific god that fits into their values. They don’t know the God that they are supposed to conform to. Their god is referred to by the apostle Paul as the “god of this world.” – II Cor 4:4

“The prince of the power of the air (Eph 2:2).” His name is Satan. We are living in a generation that’s in bondage to a king that doesn’t know God. A king that is making America serve his purpose with vigor.

In Exodus Chapter one you will notice when Israel became a threat to Pharaoh, he declared an all out war on the CHILDREN. Do you want to know how to destroy a nation? Destroy the children. You don’t have to murder them. You just have to intoxicate them with false doctrines. Convince them that God is whatever they think he is. Eventually that nation will fall into despair and ruin. The king had a strategy. His strategy is to go after the children.

That king is destroying our children. Back then they were just after the firstborn. But now through abortion they are after the first, second, third and fourthborn.

The devil has sought after this generation and rocked America to sleep. Now we are waking up only to find ourselves in bondage. Wondering what in the world happened. We’re in bondage and serving with harshness. We’re in times that seem without hope, without any deliverance.

But God is raising a people. He has a remnant that has not bowed. “I have seven thousand that have not bowed (I Kings 19:18).” God is searching for a man or a woman that will not be afraid to march into Pharaoh’s court and announce to him the word of the Lord saying, “devil, it’s time to let my people go!”

We cannot have a promised land unless we first have an exodus. It’s time for Christians to tell the devil that has a stronghold in their life to, “Let me go!”

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