
Summary: Before-prayer preparation, prayer, after-prayer action

Excited by prayer (1 Chronicles 29:10-20) Brunel Runnymede CU, 18/2/04


• Why be excited? Psalm 100. Because God who has every right to hate us, loves us.

• Gym- jogging with pastor; warm-up, exercise, warm-down; consequences of not going consistently/not doing warm-up; results take time

• Context: The building of the house of God

1. Warm-up: before-prayer preparation (28:1-29:9)

I. Self-examination- having a loyal heart and willing mind

a. Seek to know and serve God intimately, and you will be steadfast (7), willing and loyal to Him (9a, 29:9,17,19), to seek out His commandments (28:8) and keep them (7)

b. If you seek Him, He will be found by you (9b)

c. If you don’t seek Him, you will be eternally lost (9c)

d. God chooses all those who seek Him (4,5,6,9,10; 29:1)- emphasis

Thought: it is possible to pray to God and be eternally lost because you are only seeking things, not God Himself (Hebrews 12:17; James 4:3) or you are not willing to repent or forgive (Isaiah 1:15; Matthew 6:15) or you think God hears you because of your many words (Matthew 6:7) or you think you are more righteous than others (Luke 18:9).

Be excited about being friends with God, rather than what you can get out of Him (Luke 10:20); Rob Leach

II. Bible- receiving instruction from the God you know

a. Not my will but yours- put your own plans aside (2-3; Isaiah 30:1)

b. Receive God’s plans (6)

c. they always involve self-effacement (3) and

d. building others up (11,20)

e. they are to be found in the Scriptures (Psalm 119:9)

Thought: when you ask God for guidance in your prayers, have you really put aside your own schemes? Also, when you are so busy asking for guidance, does your Bible remain closed upon the shelf? Non-C/C marry

Be excited that we men of God are already “thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:17)

III. Consecration- giving everything over to God

a. With all your strength (29:2)

b. With all your heart (29:3,18)- set your affection on Him

c. Over and above what is expected (29:3)

Thought: in all honesty, mostly when I come to God I am holding something back from Him. Why do we do this? We should in fact do the opposite, and give back to Him far more than is even expected of us (e.g. tithe is 10%…why not give 20%?). If we are double-minded before God, we will receive nothing (James 1:7,8). Only the empty-handed receive.

Be excited that God takes genuine pleasure in our devotion (29:17a)

2. Exercise- prayer (29:10-20)

I. Excited by God’s character (10,11)…see how Christ is displayed! ADORATION

• Historical (v18; John 8:58)

• Fatherly (Isaiah 9:6)

• Forever (Romans 9:5)

• Great (Titus 2:13)

• Powerful (1 Corinthians 1:24)

• Glorious (Matthew 25:31)

• Victorious (1 Corinthians 15:57)

• Majestic (2 Peter 1:16)

• All-possessing (Hebrews 1:2)

• King of kings (Revelation 19:16)

II. Excited by God’s gifts… (12,13) THANKSGIVING

• Your money & possessions (riches)

• Any success you may have had in life (honour)

• Any position of authority you are in (greatness)

• Your daily energy, always sufficient pleasing Him (strength)

…because everything comes from Him (James 1:17); Dido, cf/cst ‘Life for rent’: “nothing I have is truly mine”

III. Humble acknowledgement of exalted status (20,14-16) CONFESSION

• Bow down like a wise man (20; Matthew 2:11)

• Marvel that of all people God should have made you willing (14; Romans 7:18)

• Recognise everything you have is a gift (14; 1 Corinthians 4:7); we only give back to God what He has already given us- sixpence none the richer

• Remember: previously you were an alien and stranger from God and without hope (15; Ephesians 2:12); now you are an alien and stranger here and with an eternal hope (Hebrews 11:13,16); air-lock

IV. Request for fixed and obedient hearts (18,19) SUPPLICATION

Pray that God will keep your brothers and you

• fixed on His Son (Hebrews 3:1; 12:2)

• obedient in every respect (Colossians 1:10)

• building his house, i.e. edifying each other in godliness (1 Peter 2:5)

3. Warm-down: after-prayer action

Remember the man and the mirror! (James 1:23,24); “Oh yes, we’ll come…”

I. Make sacrifices (21)

• Not for sins- Jesus has finished that; rather as gifts to the needy (Philippians 4:18) and putting things to death which maybe lawful but not edifying (1 Corinthians 10:23,24); PC games

II. Enjoy blessings before the LORD (22)

• Say grace before every blessing, not just food (1 Corinthians 10:31)

III. Submit to the rulers God has placed over you (24)

• Civil (Romans 13:1) & spiritual (1 Peter 5:5)


• How often should you go to God’s ‘gym’? When you feel excited? No, who would ever get fit that way? Devote yourself to prayer (Colossians 4:2), then the excitement follows, and even if it doesn’t, you have the deeply comforting and strengthening knowledge that God has His eyes upon you (1 Peter 3:12).

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