
Summary: This is a stewardship sermon on giving and how we discover God's blessings for our own lives through our willingness to help others.

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Excellence In Action-Discovering God’s Blessings

January 3 2010, I Kings 17:1-11 Luke 6:37-38

How many of you know we serve a God who does everything with excellence. There is a song that says “God does all things well, He does all things well.” Look at how God created you. Not even the best computer created can do everything that you do and not even have to be plugged into a socket or have a battery inserted inside. When Jesus walked the face of this earth some 2000 years ago he came with a mission to put excellence into action.

He didn’t serve just a enough to get by, he served with excellence. Jesus did not die just enough for just some of us to be saved. He died it with excellence so that all of us could be changed. When Jesus fed the 5000 with just two fish and fish and five loaves of bread, the word does not say, everybody got a little taste. Jesus fed with excellence so that after everybody was full, there was still some food left over. Jesus loved with excellence. He didn’t love just the good folk, but he loved a woman who had been living in sin, a man who was a thief and a guy filled with demons. It’s because loving with excellence was Jesus’ goal. Jesus’ life was a life of excellence in action. No matter we he did, his goal was to glorify his Heavenly Father. You glorify God best when you do it with excellence.

Our overall theme for the year 2010 is Excellence In Action. How many of you have areas in your life that need to be pointed in the direction of excellence? Is there anybody that could be better and should be better this year than they were last year. God desires for all of us to step up to a higher plane of living in 2010. There is something he wants to give us that he cannot give if we do not step up.

The desire for Excellence in Action comes from wanting more than you have had in the past. As good as things were in Glenville in the decade that just past, as your pastors, we want more for you and for us as a church in this new decade. We want to see more people getting saved. We want to see more youth going to college and more of you getting better jobs.. We want to see more homes being restored and more relationships strengthened. We want to see more of you finding saved men and women to marry. We want to see more of you stand firm in your faith, becoming teachers and leaders in the kingdom of God. We want everyone in this place to become more loving, more forgiving, and more blessed in the power of God. We want you to Discover God’s blessings for your life.

Our God is a great giver and a great provider. If you want to know excellence in action in your life, you have to know what it is to be a great giver and a great provider. God knows what 2010 is going to bring into your life. God is already working things out for each of us, but God is going to test us to see if we truly want the things God has for us. Nothing tests our faith more in God, than our possessions and our money. When you talk about being blessed financially, it does not begin with open hands to receive, but with saying here God take and use this.

When you give your money to the bank they promise to give you $2 for every 100 you give them, but then they require so much money up front just to get that rate, and you have to wait a year to get it and they call it an investment with good customer service. But God does things with excellence. You can give him a tithe of 10% of what you earn this week, and there are times before the week is over that God blesses you with a $100 for the ten that you gave. God is so excited in opening blessings for you, that the only time God says to put Him to the test is when it comes to being faithful in your giving to the Lord. You see when you give, you help the Lord to bring others into God’s family. Nothing pleases God more than having his children finally make it home. That’s the real reason Jesus died for us in the first place, so that we could come home.

Giving is the way to discovering God’s blessing because it will present you with the opportunity to rely on God in a new way. It will take you to new places of being a partner with God. It will further your walk of excellence in action. Go back with me for a moment in time.

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