
Summary: Evangelising family members is a vital part of our Christian responsibility. Though it may be challenging, persistence in love, prayer, and godly living will yield results.

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By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Acts 16:31

Supporting Texts: Joshua 24:15, 1 Peter 3:1-2, Luke 8:39, John 1:41-42, 2 Timothy 1:5


One of the greatest challenges in evangelism is reaching out to family members. Many believers find it easier to share the gospel with strangers than with those closest to them. However, God's desire is for families to be saved and serve Him together. In Acts 16:31, Paul and Silas declared, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved—you and your household." This promise shows that God is interested in household salvation.

In this study, we shall delve into the importance of evangelising family members, practical ways to reach them, and how to overcome common obstacles.


a) God desires entire households to be saved (Joshua 24:15)

God’s intention is that families worship and serve Him together.

b) The gospel should start from our homes (Acts 1:8)

Evangelism begins in our immediate circle—our families, friends, and neighbours.

c) A saved family can influence future generations (2 Timothy 1:5)

Timothy’s faith was passed down from his grandmother and mother, showing the power of generational faith.

d) Household salvation strengthens Christian communities (Psalm 133:1)

When families serve God together, they become strong pillars in the faith.

e) Biblical Example: Cornelius and his household (Acts 10:1-48)

Cornelius' entire family was saved because he sought God and obeyed divine instructions.


a) Living a Christ-like life before them (Matthew 5:16)

Our actions and attitudes speak louder than words in leading family members to Christ.

b) Showing love and patience in conversations (Colossians 4:6)

Evangelism should be done with grace, wisdom, and patience, avoiding arguments.

c) Praying for their salvation consistently (2 Corinthians 4:4)

Many people reject Christ because their minds are blinded; prayer removes spiritual barriers.

d) Sharing personal testimonies (Mark 5:19)

Testimonies of God's goodness can convince family members of His power and love.

e) Biblical Example: Andrew bringing Peter to Jesus (John 1:41-42)

Andrew, after encountering Jesus, immediately introduced his brother Peter to Him.


a) Dealing with opposition and resistance (Matthew 10:36-37)

Jesus warned that some family members would oppose the gospel, but persistence in love is key.

b) Avoiding arguments and forced conversions (2 Timothy 2:24-25)

Salvation is a work of the Holy Spirit; our role is to share, not to force belief.

c) Maintaining a good testimony (1 Peter 3:1-2)

Hypocrisy can turn family members away from Christ; our lifestyle should align with our message.

d) Waiting on God's timing (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

Some conversions take time; believers must be patient and trust God’s process.

e) Biblical Example: The Prodigal Son’s father (Luke 15:11-24)

The father waited patiently for his son to return, demonstrating God’s love and patience.


a) Praying against spiritual blindness (2 Corinthians 4:3-4)

Many unsaved family members are under the influence of spiritual blindness that must be removed through prayer.

b) Asking God to soften their hearts (Ezekiel 36:26)

Prayer prepares their hearts to receive the gospel message.

c) Standing on God's promises for household salvation (Acts 16:31)

We must claim God’s word over our families, believing for their salvation.

d) Praying for divine encounters (Acts 9:3-6)

Just as Paul encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus, our prayers can lead to divine encounters for our family members.

e) Example: Monica’s prayers for her son, Augustine:

St. Augustine was a sinner, but his mother, Monica, prayed persistently for his salvation. He later became a great Christian leader.


a) It strengthens Christian homes (Psalm 128:1-3)

When a family is rooted in Christ, it experiences peace, unity, and divine favour.

b) It creates a godly legacy for future generations (Deuteronomy 6:6-7)

Saved families raise children who continue in the faith.

c) It increases the spread of the gospel (John 4:39-42)

A single converted family member can influence others, leading to widespread salvation.

d) It brings joy in heaven (Luke 15:7)

Every soul won to Christ causes great rejoicing in heaven.

e) Biblical Example: The Philippian jailer and his family (Acts 16:25-34)

After hearing the gospel, the jailer and his household were saved and baptised.


Evangelising family members is a vital part of our Christian responsibility. Though it may be challenging, persistence in love, prayer, and godly living will yield results. As we trust God for our loved ones’ salvation, let us be patient and faithful in sharing Christ with them.

May the Lord use us as instruments of salvation in our homes!


1.  Lord, touch the hearts of my unsaved family members and draw them to You.

2.  Every resistance against the gospel in my family, be broken in Jesus’ name.

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