
Summary: This is the eulogy of a Christian who found the Lord after a rough battle with addictions.

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Eulogy Sharon Voik by Rick Gillespie- Mobley

2 Timothy 4:6-4:9

Sharon Volk

Sharon came to our church with a twinkle in her eye and a smile upon her face. There is a song that tells the story behind the smile everyone could see on Sharon’s face. The words were, “What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see, when I look upon his face, the one who saved me by his grace, what a day, glorious day that will be.” That smile on her face as been fulfilled; now she has been able to look upon the face of Jesus Christ

That smile was on her face because she believed the promise of Jesus when he said, “let not your heart be troubled, you believe in God, believe also in me. In my father’s house are many mansions. I am going away to prepare a place for you And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you may know where I am.” Brothers and sisters, Sharon Volk knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that heaven was going to be her final resting place.

How did she know, she knew because she knew what Jesus had brought her out of. When she looked back over her life, she could see how the things of this world had practically destroyed her life and the life she had with her family. But one day, she ran into Jesus, who loved her enough to pick her up, sit hew down and place her feet on solid ground. She could tell that a change had taken place in her life. If you had of known her before Jesus, and then saw her after she met Jesus, you too would no a change had take place.

Her son shared that there was a time we they had it hard in life because of the choices se was making. They never knew if they could count on her to be there for them or not. But God took her from that place, to a place where they had the utmost faith in her.

Sharon was a grateful person, because she knew that God had been gracious and merciful to her. She felt obligated to in turn make a difference in the lives of others. She understood that her mission in this world was to be an ambassador for Jesus Christ. She was not here to represent her own interests, but rather to represent the one who sent her. We did not simply come into the world, we have all been sent on a mission to make a difference. The fact that all of us are here tonight is indicative on the difference Sharon made for the cause of Christ.

This past Tuesday at our community meal, we served the meal and dedicated the worship time in her memory. Sharon came to our church as one who first received the meals, but she felt compelled to give back. She became one of our most dedicated waiters in serving meals back to her friends and neighbors. She had heart for people. Even when she was going through the rough times in her life, God knew she was a person that He was going to use.

God knew her from the beginning and fashioned her in her mother’s womb. He poured in gifts and talents. Out came this woman who ended up being one of the most beautiful parts of his creation. Her family described her as happy, resilient, forgiving, loving, optimistic, dedicated, faithful, outspoken, intelligent, fearless and beautiful. They saw here as one who was on overcomer and was willing to give unconditional love. Sharon was gifted all her life not to see humanity in terms of black, white, yellow, red or brown. With her, you were a person to be loved as any other person would be.

Sharon’s life is a testimony of the promise of Scripture in which the word of God states, “Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person, the old has gone, a new life has begun.” When we give our lives to Christ, its not just us that benefit, but it lifts up those who love us and are close to us. Nick shared, that there was a time when the only news they expected to hear concerning their mother was bad news. But those days were gone and they knew their mom was in a good place.

Chris shared how Sharon would be there for them, always being the mother looking out for her children. Sharon would go without so that others could be taken care of. Her genorisity and love was shown in the way she instead they take a bag of groceries with them whenever they left her home. When they made mistakes, she still took them under her wings and consoled them in a very non-judgmental fashion.

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